Death Metal

Just thrash... and I refuse to call it "proto" death (can we never start that with death metal please?) because Seven Churches already existed. As far as sepultura is concerned, Morbid Visions and Bestial Devastation are definitely early death metal. Maybe Schizophrenia too, I've never bothered with it much.

I'm all for calling a spade a spade, but the mania for ex post facto classification imposes an artificial linearity on a process that, historically, wasn't linear at all. The mistake is to visualize the history of metal as some sort of 'family tree.' It's much more useful to think of metal as a web of influences, or perhaps more accurately, as crystalline lattice, where the key, epoch-making bands represent anchor points or loci for whole segments of the historical network.

On the one hand, the "proto" tag does smack of trying to make messy history fit neatly into an anachronistic linear model, on the other, it does capture the unsettled, unfinished state of underground metal in the period roughly encompassing the years 1980-1987/88 (the point at which it becomes easier to see the clear points of departure between one subgenre and the next).
The language of pretension, perhaps.

Pretension implies the projection of a false image for social purposes. Me, I just prefer to use language that maximizes precision and minimizes the potential for misinterpretation. If that means "big" words or less common metaphors, so be it.
I was never huge into death metal--only recently did I feel comfortable enough to "adopt" Death, Autopsy and Obituary into my music collection. But as I listened to those early Florida death metal bands, I think I was about two steps away from giving death metal my own stamp of approval.

Then I heard technical death metal.

Now regular death metal sounds silly.
I was never huge into death metal--only recently did I feel comfortable enough to "adopt" Death, Autopsy and Obituary into my music collection. But as I listened to those early Florida death metal bands, I think I was about two steps away from giving death metal my own stamp of approval.

Then I heard technical death metal.

Now regular death metal sounds silly.

Nothing wrong with being all flash, no substance, I suppose.