Death Metal

Try some of these on youtube;

Resurgency - False Enlightenment
Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
Uncanny - Splenium for Nyktiphobia (spelling?)

Maybe not available on Amazon
Not a whole lot really.
I'm tired of the new tech death shit. Annoying.
Listened to a song from the new the Faceless. Not good at all.
I want catchy death metal with killer riffs.

Have you listened to the latest albums from Deceased and Vader? Both very solid outings, give them a shot if you haven't, also check the band Gory Blister.

.. new Faceless is fucking amazing.
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Any fans of Demisery? I just listened to Hive of Mutation for the first time and it is decent. There are definitely some good tracks and some that don't stand out much, but I'm still a fan
If you're talking about "Purging Tongues", then yea I've heard it. I don't really know how I feel about it. I liked "Seven Chalices" but "Purging Tongues" is almost wholly based around atmosphere. Its an interesting listen at least. And of course, its evil as shit.
October 23.

Hell's Headbangers will be re-releasing Acid Witch - Witchtanic Hellucinations on cd/vinyl/pic disc/tape.


I've been waiting quite a while for this. I will definitely be picking up whatever colored vinyl they have and the cd.