Death Metal

About time Incantation is releasing something new. They have been on a slow step downwards since Diabolical Conquest, but I still like just about everything that they've released. Hope the long layoff will do them some good.
I actually like Cryptopsy's first three just fine but the new samples sound like standard fare brutal/tech. It's not particularly offensive or anything but from listening to them I'm not overly interesed in hearing the whole album.

Edit: Honestly the absence of Lord Worm shows here.
I actually like Cryptopsy's first three just fine but the new samples sound like standard fare brutal/tech. It's not particularly offensive or anything but from listening to them I'm not overly interesed in hearing the whole album.

Edit: Honestly the absence of Lord Worm shows here.

I get tired of hearing that. Lord Worm is one of those mythical vocalists like Chris Barnes. I'm sorry but he just plain didn't sound like himself on Once Was Not and if they tried to use him on the s/t he'd sound even worse. Besides, it's not like he wrote the actual SONGS. The core elements have always been Flo and Jon and they're writing some monstrous shit here.

link to the info

Only one new song is a bummer but perhaps the production will be improved. Some of their older stuff is much like what I can do in my basement. ;)
How is new Grave?

It's excellent, but than again I like newer Grave. Honestly I like it just as much as the old stuff. And Grave has never compromised at bringing some of the best Old School Death Metal in the genre, still to this day. Which is saying a lot. I'm sure they have a pretty solid fan base and support.
It's excellent, but than again I like newer Grave. Honestly I like it just as much as the old stuff. And Grave has never compromised at bringing some of the best Old School Death Metal in the genre, still to this day. Which is saying a lot. I'm sure they have a pretty solid fan base and support.

Ok thanks I think I will check the new one. Grave released a lot of albums I haven't even fucking heard. :erk: Yesterday I listened to the first one and I can't wait to hear the difference.
Honestly, I've only listened to ...You'll Never See. That's the only one. And I fucking adore that album, so it now occurred to me that I'm probably a maroon for not checking out anything else they've done.