Early review of the new Cryptopsy
That Desolate Shrine looks really interesting, I'll have to check that out.
Boom - this has been re-released if anyone is interested, though i have the LP.
Desecrator - Subconscious Release
All(!) of your posts are about your band. Is that really necessary? As I see it, it's almost spam.
I will fuck the femlin in the ass
I will fuck the femlin in the cunt
rape the femlin in the room
rape the femlin on the bed
rape the femlin on the chair
rape the femlin on the table
rub my dick on her tootsies and cum all over them & make her..... moan..
feeding on the blood of the insane, feeding on the blood
dissecting your gallbladder consuming your liver
fucking your limbic system..... ejaculating in your spleen
you feed on the blood of insane you brew the waste matter
merciless cold blooded killer... merciless cold blooded.... killer
merciless cold blooded killer....
you feed on the anal manure.... i breed with the dead cadaver
Also, double post but topic is totally different so fuck it.
Xtreem music has repressed their version of Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes.
If you missed out the first time (like me) go fucking get it.