Death Metal

Looking forward to the new Incantation. As much as I like Effigy of The Forgotten and Pierced From within, the reformed Suffocation albums did not hit me the sameway. Souls To Deny is especially boring and had terrible production. Not as badly produced as Breeding The Spawn, but still. If the band re-recorded the entire Breeding The Spawn album that would be cool.
[ame=""]Inca Samples[/ame].
My personal favourite death metal band is Immolation by a large margin. I was just listening to Here in after and holy shit the riffs are so dark and twisted I dont think any death metal band has better riffing than them. Other bands that come close to immolation would be:


+ a bunch others

I worship Immolation!! Incantation has some pretty dark and twisted riffing as well.
Also was impressed by morbid angel - gateway to annihilation

My all time favorite even though not really death metal is Pestilence!!!
But Ive been listenning to extreme metal for almmost 20 years now so there is too many great bands to mention them all. it all depends on my mood.

it can be anything from necrophagist to dark half to pungent stench, etc.. :rock:
West Wall (Singer of West Wall is going through health issues so I'm trying to help them boost some sales because it's for the most part going to his hospital bills)
Cannibal Corpse (of course)
Dissection (I consider them more Black Metal but other say Death Metal)
Belphegor (Same as Dissection)

The new Incantation seems to be a crushing beast!

I've got a lot of albums from these 'new' OSDM bands, all of them of incredibly high quality! Tribulation - The Horror; Miasmal's S/T, Maim - Deceased to Exist, Dominus Xul - The Rise of the Ancient Ones, but the best is easily Disma - Towards the Megalith. It's so crushing, dark, evil, brutal and well written that could have been easily one of the highlights of the Incantation legacy (like released after Mortal Throne, for example). Craig Pillard sounds deep as Cthulhu himself; the production is simply flawless.