Death Metal

Monomakh - MMXII


This is now out on cassette with a bonus track here:
jesus fucking christ.

Yea, I'm a Portal fanboy. I have all three of their albums on cd and vinyl and a shirt. Cant wait for that.
More cool news:
Thanks to all who came out and who were involved in our last run of Australian shows, especially Départe and Odiusembowel for supporting on multiple dates. For those interested we have a small amount of leftover shirts from the tour, available via the store.

These shows were our last for the year, and we now climb head-first into completing work on our fourth album. At this point we have been writing since March, and so far have completed 4 tracks, close to 35 minutes worth of music. We're exploring a lot of new territory with this material and so far everything is sounding a lot violent/uglier than past releases, as well as more rhythmically involved than The Destroyers of All.

The lineup will of course be the same as the last 2 albums - Kelland/Hoggard/Saint Merat

That's Ulcerate, and they've almost finished recording a new album, it seems.
Aeon – “Aeons Black”
Out November 20, 2012

Sweden’s AEON are back and ready to release their fourth full-length album, “AEONS BLACK”, on Metal Blade Records November 20, 2012. Regarded as one of the world's most noted blasphemous underground death metal bands, “AEONS BLACK” is the follow up to 2010’s Path of Fire, which called ”a juicy slab of prime-cut blasphemous death metal” and according to, ”doesn’t let up in terms of insanely fast tempos, chugging guitars, and demonic vocals,” calling the band ”a musical dynamo”


Official Aeon:
So I have to mention...probably my favorite death metal album is "In Their Darkened Shrines" by Nile. It has nothing to do with the technicality, but rather the wonderfully dramatic atmosphere that contrasts the brutality. Does anyone know of any more bands that write that way, as in ferocious and intense, but also with really epic moments?

Just for extra help, the song "Slaying the Prophets ov Isa" pretty much fits the bill exactly.
Why oh why couldn't Malediction get their act together in the '90s for a real full length with decent would've easily been top tier death metal. LIstening to their EP's right now.