Death Metal

Abnormality's Contaminating The Hive Mind is a very underrated Death Metal album. Check it out.
Abnormality is a female fronted Death Metal band.
Listen very carefully, do you hear that sound? It's sounds vaguely familiar... oh yeah - I recognize it now, it's the sound of me laughing manically at your pitiful attempts at trolling. :hahamiddlefinger:
That Fleshgod Apocalypse song has SO much more than your average run-of-the-mill death metal song: symphonic and orchestral arrangements, melodic vocals at carefully selected intervals, a fantastic guitar solo and superb drum work. They are clearly musicians who really put a lot of thought and effort into their work rather than firing off a few blast beats and grunts and calling it a death metal song...
Disruptively large Sig. Also I like FGA but come on. They are damn near closer to symphonic black metal than death metal.
Those of you who don't like Fleshgods more symphonic sound should defnitiely check out some of their other work. Very good stuff.

and cmon Krow, do they really sound like symphonic black metal to you?

Also, Fleshgod and Hour of Penance shared the same vocalist for years.

... some fucking solid death metal.
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That Fleshgod Apocalypse above decent, never heard of them. Listening to Oracles now and quite impressed, the symphonic stuff is different but works fairly well.

Been neglecting DM a lot lately so this thread is quite helpful to re-discover it. :)
Death metal that still melts my face off on a consistent basis:

Onward To Golgotha
Altars Of Madness
Beyond Sanctorum
Morbid Visions
I was wondering if anyone could recommend me some good French death metal bands. If their lyrics are in French, that is a plus too, but they don't have to be. Merci d'avance.