Death Metal

Liked this bit of footage of Disma playing live:

Rather nice for a bootleg.
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Lol, i know what deathcore is bro. And a lot of it does fall under the death metal umbrella.

I've never owned or even listened to that album ... but damn, it's straight deathcore? I can't even imagine them releasing an album that would sound like The Acacia Strain or something.
Lol, i know what deathcore is bro. And a lot of it does fall under the death metal umbrella.

I've never owned or even listened to that album ... but damn, it's straight deathcore? I can't even imagine them releasing an album that would sound like The Acacia Strain or something.

It is straight deathcore no doubt, I will say it is most definitely better than The Acacia Strain, for damn sure.
Everyone needs to buy this..


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^ !!!!!!!!!!!

I have to listen to that immediately. Drunk. Thanks for the info Michael-bro-san.
Yoda, I have a legit question for you. Sometimes you get drunk and get excited over mediocre things, and sometimes you are really onto something.

So, this far as new death metal goes, are we talking like, Majesty And Decayesque "boring boring boring *picks up a beer* hey i can party to this"? Or are we talking like, Blaspherian/Imprecation "this is good and i'm not lowering my standards in listening to it"?
The riffs were not catchy enough for me to enjoy it enough to warrant purchase or further investigation. The vocals I didn't expect to be black metally which I don't think suit the music as much as low incantation-esque growls would, so in conclusion it sounds like elevator music.
Anybody check out the track from the new Behemoth? I was SUPER stoked for it after watching the trailers they've been putting out but I was kind of disappointed. A little too verse-chorus-verse, not a lot of variety going on. Maybe it will grow on me