Death Metal

The point is that the demo fucking ruled. I was really anticipating the full-length.

EDIT: I'll give it another chance. I have 100+ plays on of the demo alone, I better fucking like this album.
Actulay iz gud. Time will show if I get into it the same way I got into The Departure of Nig-Shitturah.
Anyone keeping up with the current death metal scene?

Very impressed by these albums:

Krypts - Unending Degredation
Lantern - Below
Venenum - Venenum
Bolzer - Aura
Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum
Obliteration - Black Death Horizon
Beyond - Fatal Power of Death
Lvcifyre - The Calling Depths
Anyone keeping up with the current death metal scene?

Very impressed by these albums:

Krypts - Unending Degredation
Lantern - Below
Venenum - Venenum
Bolzer - Aura
Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum
Obliteration - Black Death Horizon
Beyond - Fatal Power of Death
Lvcifyre - The Calling Depths

The only one I don't know is Venenum's release. The others rule. Lvcifyre is fucking brutal, great Dark Descent 2014 release.
Yeah, the Venenum EP is awesome.

The new Decomposed is fucking ace... highly recommend having a listen.

Coming out on Dark Descent soon;

- New Stench of Decay full length
- New Swallowed full length

so Artificial Brain - Labyrinth Constellation got a 4.5/5 on metalsucks, which I don't really trust their reviews but it does make me pretty excited because I really enjoyed their promo track, definitely going to check them out when it releases
Origin has a new album completely recorded, for those of you who might care. On a much more exciting note, Italian old-school death metal band Electrocution is recording a full-length follow up to their classic release Inside the Unreal.
Origin is just awful. I've listened to every one of their albums, trying to like them... And I just can't.

Electrocution, I'm very hopeful in.