Death Metal

Even if Svn Eater just had the title track, or just that one riff in the title track, it'd be one of the better releases this year.

Been listening to it fairly frequently since I got it, which musta been right at the start of January. That's pretty rare.
Svn Eater is pretty different than The Calling Depths. It took a few tries to grow on me but I've come to appreciate it on its own merits. I do kind of miss the punishing riffs on the debut, though.
How is Immolation slow and sludgy? Give them more listens. They're a great band.

Immolation are probably the band I was least sure about listing there, only because I'm not at all familiar with them, and what I have heard of them isn't really like that. More going by what I'd heard.

I should listen more to Immolation sometime, though.
Just listened to Lvcifyre-"Svn Eater". God damn what a beast. I thoroughly enjoyed their wall of noise approach, and the riffs are better, clearer, and more intense than the first album. One if the best releases I've listened to so far in my 2914 catch up.

I'm listening to Trenchrot-"Necronomic Warfare" now. So far it's nothing unique, but it's well written, dark, well produced, and kind of fun. Fun in a straight headbang to evil death metal way.

Next up I have:
Rude-"Soul Recall"
Near Death Condition-"Evolving Toward Extinction"
Cauldron Black Ram-"Stalagmite"
Acheron-"Kult des hasses"

Hope I enjoy these, but I have low expectations for Acheron and Near Death Condition.

EDIT: Further into Trenchrot. It's obvious they like Asphyx. But still dark and groovy.

You have a lot more to go :) Trenchrot is so good. My favorite DM album of this year is Drowned - Idola Specus.
So if anyone is interested, Apophis - Heliopolis is some pretty good old school melodic death metal in the vein of early Amon Amarth and such. Nothing mind-blowing but some really strong songwriting and some tasty riffing.
new Cannibal Corpse is fucking awesome. Fuck the haters. The album actually sounds fresh, something I haven't said about CC in a long while. The past few records have been good but this one sounds fresh and inspired. Great guitar work, frantic vocals and awesome drum patterns. Great record.
Eh. Youre forever posting throw away nu-osdm though.

Opinions are opinions right? Just because I post something in the "NP" thread doesn't mean I instantly think it's worth listening to over and over again. I'm a really big fan of Death Metal and I'm always welcome to try something new in the genre.