Death Metal

Carcass worship first of all, is a pointless thing to do nowadays. second of all, I just don't like it, okay?
It's limited release too, so you better snatch it up. I looked everywhere when I went to the city, but couldn't find it anywhere. I ended up going through Earache Records to get one of these, my original WoC was seriously almost worn out. The band also released a limited dvd w/ they're last album Organic H. thoughh I've heard it's not as good as this one.
The dvd absolutely destroys!!! It features the original singer, was recorded overseas at they're label's Christmas party, and features material off the bands first three albums.
Where to start / what is best Fleshcrawl release? I'm thinking of going with Descend Into The Absurd. Any help here?
Newer Fleshcrawl is supremely catchy yet undeniably AC/DC-ish "filling and nothing more" melody-infused death metal. Older stuff is more "substantial" but I don't think that discredits the quality of the newer fun stuff.
I got Masscara's "Final Holocaust"... this is supposed to be Technical Death Metal from what I read, but it sounds more like Thrash than anything to me. Anus is what spiked my interest in them, as I think this was listed as their #1 Death Metal album. I'm new to Dark Angel's "Darkness Descends" as well & I think they both kind of sound like the same genre, although the Massacra is much much better.