Death Metal

And out of curiosity, what are mainstream metal magazines? The only way i can get a metal magazines is by subscription. I havent seen one at the any of the stores out here in over 15 years.

Maybe they're still big in the UK? magazines overall are dying out over here.

Over here you have Metal Hammer which is more Avenged 7-fold-lite shite - or it was when l last picked one up years ago, Terrorizer, which is ok for extreme stuff but way too thin. a couple of not-worth-mentionings, and the best of the bunch -Zero Tolerance, which is mainly focused on BM but l get it because l steal it from where l work and it comes with a killer CD every issue. And they have a decent review section and cover most good DM. l used to subscribe to Decibel but that's too fucking thin as well - l love the Hall of Fame and Flexi discs tho.
l miss the old mags like S.O.D and The Pit. they were the best
I used to be subscribed to Terrorizer but received issues late in the mail all the time. I understand that it had to come all the way from the UK, but why offer global shipping if you can't do it properly? Smfh
Yeah, I was going to say that you also don't seem huge on the Incantation sound. To be honest, I'm not that big on a lot of it, but the ones I like I tend to really like. For example, that Grave Miasma EP. It just nails the production and aesthetic and it comes across like they know what they're doing, rather than just aping their influences. It also has those colossal doomy riffs that are just crushing.

Are you referring to the latest EP? I still haven't heard anything past the debut, which I found a bit underwhelming compared to the preceding EPs. I never understood its praise.