Death Metal

If Cannibal Corpse counts as a Florida band, them for sure. Favorite band of all time, no care.

Speaking of Florida death metal, I was a promoter for Chicago Domination Fest this year and Diabolic was our Thursday headliner. Lots of fun live, and I picked up a copy of their debut Supreme Evil and I'm spinning that in my car currently. Really savage release, honestly reminds me a bit of Centurian, which makes sense because that band is basically all the most blistering parts of Florideath melted together.
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Atheist is definitely up there. I love those first 2 albums. But Morbid Angel will always be my favourite.

Hellwitch is often criminally overlooked when discussing the Floridian scene.
Fuck I love Gorod. Can't stop listening to A Maze of Recycled Creeds & the title track off Transcendence. Normally this would be wayyyy too much guitar wankery but goddamn they do it well. Which album should I check out next?
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Fuck I love Gorod. Can't stop listening to A Maze of Recycled Creeds & the title track off Transcendence. Normally this would be wayyyy too much guitar wankery but goddamn they do it well. Which album should I check out next?

Not sure about Gorod, but you could also try Gory Blister. Not my style, but Skymorphosis is well regarded by fans of the style iirc.

fuck, forgot about Brutality too, definitely up there. Screams is a classic but the rest of their discog is solid as fuck too.

Death = Morbid Angel > Atheist > Brutality = Obituary > Monstrosity > Deicide > Massacre

edit: @Draehl i love Gorod but wasnt too impressed with their last album. As for which album to check out next, just start moving back.

Oh and Gory Blister have some good stuff, but nothing special. They were pretty much a wannabe Death band early on. I'd say a little above average tech death. Earth Sick is definitely their best album though.

edit: and yeah Transcendance is a motherfucking masterpiece!
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l know Malevolent came from Buffalo, but they moved down early enough to help create the sound of Florida/Morrisound DM. As too CC, but yeah for me it's gotta be Morbid Angel, Obituary, Cynic, Deicide, Atheist, Assuck
probably Morbid Angel for No 1
Speaking of Floridian bands, have you guys ever heard of Naphobia?? Super underrated band, which is shocking because it featured Tony Laureano on drums and had Schuldiner do guest vocals/guitar on one track and Gene Hoglan on three tracks. Neat stuff.