Death Metal

Meh, most people I know love the shit out of Gallery. As I've said before, most opinions I see on the internet, ESPECIALLY this forum, are radically distorted from people I actually encounter in real life and converse with about music.

Cannibal Corpse is my first death metal band and still my favorite band of all time. I plan on getting the Bloodthirst album cover as a half sleeve on my right forearm, if that answers your question. 99% of people that I know "in the underground" or whatever (I don't know how to say that without saying pretentious, but you get the idea; like me, very deep into death metal and listen to it primarily), which is quite a few, have a fairly high opinion of Cannibal Corpse. It's mainly just on the internet that they get a lot of hate. Never heard anyone have a negative opinion about the band as whole once in person, at a show or anything.
so you're saying this is the only place that dislikes Gallery? Because i sure in the hell dont remember anyone ever shitting on that album here. I dont need to link you to the average ratings for that album on RYM and MA, do i?

Also i know plenty of people that dont care for the band and just look at them as the most average, vanilla sounding death metal band of all time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I like em.
No no no, not at all. I meant overall, not just this album. For example: I remember reading years ago on the BDM thread where V5 was shitting on Internal Bleeding, calling them "first wave deathcore" etc. and the majority of that convo was people who agreed with him, so before I really knew anyone "in the scene", I just assumed everyone hated IB. Now that I'm older and involved in the community, I obviously realize they are a highly respected band within the brutal death community. For me, any opinion on the internet that isn't a Facebook post from people I know, whose opinions hold some credence with me, is worth jack shit. Because of this, I don't really care what the MA or RYM ratings say, or what this forum says about something musically, I don't tend to view it as a majority opinion among death metal fans even when it is something like RYM with 1000+ ratings. I don't know those people or their tastes in death metal. Most of them probably are not similarly minded to myself, in that death metal is really the only type of metal they care about. I don't really base the general consensus of an album on what I see on internet platforms because I don't consider myself similar to those people. Among people like myself, at least the ones that I know (which again is quite a lot), Gallery is generally very well liked. That's what I'm speaking of. I hope that makes sense at all and doesn't come off as arrogant or confusing, I know it's kind of a weird way to look at things.

And I do know a couple people who think similarly now that I think about it, but again, it's people who drastically differ from me in tastes. It sounds weird to say, but I hold much more value in the musical opinions of those who generally have a similar view as myself, I suppose at the risk of creating an echo chamber. Like.....when I read a review that starts with "normally I think brutal death metal sucks BUT...." I automatically stop reading. I want to read a review from someone who fucking LOVES that shit, like I do. I realize I'm terrible at explaining my own mindset with this, but I hope that helps. I also realize you'll probably all think I'm retarded now, but I can live with that.

Also, I've literally never been able to wrap my mind around people who think they sound "average"....please show me another album that sounds remotely similar to Bloodthirst. I've been looking for years and I've yet to find one. Something cannot, by definition, sound "average" when it doesn't sound like something else.
Personally this is my favorite track from the album, but Unleashing the Bloodthirsty, Ecstasy in Decay, and the Spine Splitter are all also fantastic.

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Because of this, I don't really care what the MA or RYM ratings say, or what this forum says about something musically, I don't tend to view it as a majority opinion among death metal fans even when it is something like RYM with 1000+ ratings.

Exactly although I'm in the minority most places I go re: metal generally
The evident deterioration of Chris Barnes on The Bleeding really tarnishes what should be a truly great album, for me.

Though he managed to sound pretty great on the tracks he recorded for Vile (aka Created to Kill) somehow, and then went on to devolve into a pile of dogshit with Six Feet Under.

Fuck, I love Barnes on The Bleeding. I probably have nostalgia factor there but it was one of the first full death metal albums I ever heard. I remember shredding my throat singing The Pick Axe Murders, She Was Asking for It, and An Experiment in Homicide in high school.
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