Death Metal

Breeding the Spawn is imo one of the best death metal albums of all time. Only faggots complain about the production on that album. People complain about crystal clear production on todays tech-death bands(like that even makes any sense tbh), but yet they were supposedly asking for it back then for that album? I'm going to echo @morguelord and myself here and say that ive only heard people on the internet complaining about "da weak productionz" on that album.
Yeah, I really like that album. I'm not always in the mood for that kind of swirling chaos that they create, but when I am it hits the spot. The vocals annoyed me at first as they sound very effect laden but I got used to them. Some killer riffs on that album. How do you feel about their follow-up?
re: Breeding the Spawn ...Yeah its easily their most twisted and demented album. That's also why Luc Lemay always namedrops it as one of the most influential pieces of work to him.

edit: i also dont hear the effect laden vocals you're talking about:(

I love Effigy! Their first three albums are death metal landmarks imo. I like all of their stuff, even their S/T and Blood Oath.
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I'm friends with Doug Bohn on Facebook. Dude is hilarious.

I do agree that the Mike Smith and Dave Culross albums have ridiculous drumming. The Despise the Sun EP is just fucking crushing.