Death Metal

I've noticed that there has been a sort of new "oldschool" death metal movement these past few years. Here's an example:
First time hearing this, I like it well enough

Gorement's The Ending Quest and Killing Addiction's Omega Factor are both being reissued. Really excited about that, plus I heard Monstrosity has a new one coming out this fall. Interested in hearing that.
It definitely exceeded my low-by-default expectations. I listened to a couple other Vader albums that night, which were also quite listenable.

I looked them up because I was reading about Darkthrone on Wikipedia, and they cited Vader's demo as an influence for something. I didn't get around to the demo though.
Gorement's The Ending Quest and Killing Addiction's Omega Factor are both being reissued. Really excited about that, plus I heard Monstrosity has a new one coming out this fall. Interested in hearing that.

I'm content with the Darkness of the Dead comp when it comes to Gorement. I could use the Killing Addiction album though.
He's recognizably boring and almost monotone in his delivery.
I'm not much of a Cannibal Corpse fan after The Bleeding anyway so take that with a grain of salt of course.

he's hit or miss for me. I guess it depends on the rest of the song. I love most of his work with Monstrosity though.

I think he sounds pretty bad ass here..

and Kill is imo one of the best Cannibal Corpse albums.
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Kill definitely went over my head the year it came out so I'd have to go back and test it again, but I do like Monstrosity and many albums between Vile and Kill.

He's fucking hilarious though and seems like a proper dude.

CC is my favorite band of all time, hands down. My favorite era of the band is their mid-era work; everything from Vile up until The Wretched Spawn is gold to me, with Bloodthirst being the absolute pinnacle, being my all-time favorite death metal album. I have to say after hearing the new song that I am vastly underwhelmed and disappointed.
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CC is my favorite band of all time, hands down. My favorite era of the band is their mid-era work; everything from Vile up until The Wretched Spawn is gold to me, with Bloodthirst being the absolute pinnacle, being my all-time favorite death metal album. I have to say after hearing the new song that I am vastly underwhelmed and disappointed.

I heard Gallery of Suicide and Gore Obsessed are their worst albums.