Death Metal

I need recommendations for filthy and or evil old school death metal. Stuff with a disgusting guitar tone and atmosphere to match. Shit like Goatlord, Asphyx’s The Rack, Privilege of Evil, etc. I’m familiar with a lot of the more obvious stuff so looking for more obscure old school stuff or newer bands with that old school sound.

This is an example of a newer band doing what I’m looking for.

And another request - I’m also looking for death metal that has more a cosmic horror vibe, in the Altars of Madness sort of way. Unrelenting and violent, and full of intense blast beat sections but still having that atmosphere.

Where is CiG when you need him?! Wish he’d come back. Pretty sure he’d have tonnes of the caked in filth stuff! Slayed, Omni, Old Wainds, Krow, Onder, Dazed and Brutal, Manic Ferocity, Morguelord? Anything?
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That Obituary album was forgettable as all hell. If that album suddenly ceased to exist from the planet, and even from people's memory as though it never existed and I was the only one who could remember it ever happened, I doubt if I would ever notice.
Well that was suitably filthy! Will look into it.

For my second request, I’m not aware of all that much death metal that evokes the same atmosphere as Altars of Madness so if you can think of anything please share as I may not be familiar with it.

I mean this Disembowel has sinilar lyrical themes to Altars, but definitely presented in a different way to the atmosphere I’m looking for. Fits the first request more.
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I haven’t listened to it all but from the songs I’ve heard it just sounds a lot like Slaughter of the Soul. Full of those “melo-thrash” riffs that plagued their later work. Thomas Lindberg sounds crap compared to his monumental performances in Grotesque and early AtG and Hell even compared to SotS. Not awful, but I don’t think I’d ever want to hear it again.
It sounds almost nothing like Slaughter of the Soul. They moved away from the sound presented on At War with Reality and went more into some complex riffs and were basing more on the atmosphere. You perhaps listened to the title track, which was supposed to evoke the Slaughter of the Soul vibe, but that's the only trace of that on the new album. Some tracks are really amazing (Daggers of Black Haze, Palace of Lepers, In Death They Shall Burn). I know it's no TRitSIO, but it's still an enjoyable and compelling listen. To me, it's definitely a move forward from At War with Reality. Long live AtG.
What's your favorite Tomb Mold release guys? How does the second album compare to the first? Are the demos good?

I listened to the new album today and there's some solid fucking riffage on it.

EDIT: I need to check out that Wicked Innocence album. Somehow that went under my radar. I'm into weird stuff but it shouldn't be too prog.
I wouldn't really describe the Wicked Innocence as prog so much as a weird mixture of Demilich, Gorguts and some grindcore/doom influences. Songs transition from blasting chaos, to slow oppressive crawls but it's a generally mid-paced affair. The vocalist is similarly schizophrenic, ranging from a tormented shriek, a mid ranged growl, and low "belching" brutal DM vocals and some bizarre clean vocals. Song structures are complex and the riffing is rather unique in that Gorguts/Demilich way and the whole thing is very dark, disturbing and oppressive. It's definitely interesting but I've never been able to really "get" it.
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What's your favorite Tomb Mold release guys? How does the second album compare to the first? Are the demos good?

I listened to the new album today and there's some solid fucking riffage on it.

EDIT: I need to check out that Wicked Innocence album. Somehow that went under my radar. I'm into weird stuff but it shouldn't be too prog.

The new Tomb Mold album is probably their best work, but the first album and the demo compilation are worthy and better than most other new death metal as well.
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It sounds almost nothing like Slaughter of the Soul. They moved away from the sound presented on At War with Reality and went more into some complex riffs and were basing more on the atmosphere. You perhaps listened to the title track, which was supposed to evoke the Slaughter of the Soul vibe, but that's the only trace of that on the new album. Some tracks are really amazing (Daggers of Black Haze, Palace of Lepers, In Death They Shall Burn). I know it's no TRitSIO, but it's still an enjoyable and compelling listen. To me, it's definitely a move forward from At War with Reality. Long live AtG.

New album sounds like a bland and uninspired rehash of At War With Reality. It lacks the edge that their reunion album had, unfortunately.

What's your favorite Tomb Mold release guys? How does the second album compare to the first? Are the demos good?

I listened to the new album today and there's some solid fucking riffage on it.

Bought the new album last week at their show. They refined their sound a bit, but I agree with Omni; all of their material is worth looking into. Real solid Finnish style death metal.
Gimme some nasty death metal recommendations from the last few years (along the lines of Antediluvian, Mitochondrion, Pseudogod, Encoffination, Portal...You get the idea) cause Ive been completely out of the loop.

Saw Grave Upheaval put out a new LP. Thats about it. Any new shit I should be aware of?