Death Metal

I think I'll go with SBG on the grounds that it's their first and is undoubtedly influential as some of the earliest death metal incarnations.
On Death, I prefer their earlier work. Especially around Leprosy and Spiritural Healing but I dont care for their later work. I haven't heard Scream Bloody Gore, but I should expect something primitive like The Possessed right?

By the way byrne, do you like the following groups?

Malevolent Creation
What about Mantas opinions on Death before Death?

I heard a few seconds of one of their songs and it's amazing how brutal they were in 1984. Production is absolute shit though.
Lol at the difference between "favourites" and "essential classics" being "pointless." The two are drastically different concepts. For example, cookiecutter would totally fail at giving the recommendations that Zephyrus evidently had in mind.

me said:
the point is to provide music people will enjoy

the interpretation of "essential classics" is totally subjective. anyway ... moving on.


Assuck - hyaven't heard any of their stuff

Cancer - listened to them, they never caught my attention, but don't know enough to comment.

Decapitated - Winds of Creation is awesome, and Nihility is moreso. This band cops a lot of flak unneccessarily imo.

Incantation - I think Onward to Golgotha is essential listening and I intend on checking out Diabolical Conquest, but have never gotten around to it. Mortal Throne of Nazarene is also excellent.

Massacra - Final Holocaust is one of my favourite DM albums of all time. I've never listened to their other releases though, I always just throw FH on.

Malevolent Creation - They are ok. I enjoy Ten Commandments and Retribution on the very rare occassion, but there are other death metal bands I'd rather listen to.
Assuck fucking rules

get Anticapital/Blindspot then Misery Index. also, Assuck is grindcore, not death metal.
My 10 favorite death metal albums(subject to change):

At The Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Molested - Blod Draum
Asphyx - The Rack
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
Atrocity - Longing For Death
Demilich - Nespithe
The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
God Macabre - The Winterlong

Edit: Anyone know where I can purchase Demigod's Slumber of Sullen Eyes (re-issue or original) at a decent price and from a reliable distributor in NA? The only place I have found it is ebay and it was going for $40+, which is a bit more than I am willing to spend especially with a re-issue now being distributed.
I don't think you're going to find the reissue in distro lists either. Your best bet is ebay.
OK after some research and with the help of all your lists, I've got 10 top prospects I'll be looking for during my next shopping trip. I will get 5 of the following 10 (eventually getting all of them). I chose this group based on its diversity of region and thematic appeal.

Amorphis – The Karelian Isthmus
Possessed – Seven Churches
Death – Scream Bloody Gore
Asphyx – The Rack
Demigod – Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Molested – Blod Draum
Dismember - Like An Everflowing Stream
Tiamat – The Astral Sleep
Morbid Angel – Altars of Madness
Nocturnus – The Key