Death Metal

Spawn of Possession rules, I even prefer them over Necrophagist. And Kolias does a great job in Sickening Horror.

Spawn Of Possession shit all over Necrophagist. I don't care how technically proficient Necrophagist are, I find them amazingly boring after about 10 minutes.
Spawn Of Possession shit all over Necrophagist. I don't care how technically proficient Necrophagist are, I find them amazingly boring after about 10 minutes.

I feel the same, theres only a few songs that I can listen to off 'Epitaph' Even though 'Onset of Putrefaction' is a good dose of ADHD in my opinion. Spawn of Posession on the other hand....
actually Devourment's better. Waking The Cadaver are nothing more than a myspace gimmick for slutty cam whores to cotton to.

They both fucking suck more than bands that suck. I think Devourment records with a Karaoke machine which you can buy at a local Radio Shack!
Got that right. Grave have shaped up quite nicely again after a couple of shit albums.

I actually did not care for As Rapture Comes. Fiendish Regression and Back From The Grave are excellent on the other hand. I'm really looking forward to the new Unleashed and they're in pre-production right now.

.. anyone who has no heard Midvinterblot is missing out.

Death Metal no compromise!
Funebre- Children of the Scorn.

Any opinions on this album? I am playing it now for the first time, and its pretty good. Nothing fucking incredible, but solid.

Walls that Held Screams is an awesome track.
The Faceless are very meh.

Don't dislike 'em, but not going to make an effort to listen to them.

I think they're good, but their songs tend to be choppy and jump around in composition too much. The keyboards are a nice addition, though.

Their live show is alright; it's more fun to watch the weird antics of the frontman than anything else.
I get what you guys are saying about Necrophagist being boring, I mean some of the melodies and guitar work are pretty sweet, and he has a decent voice, but I can only listen to a song or two at a time. I really enjoy the song Stabwound, thats pretty much the only one that really grabs me on Epitaph. Oh yea, Zephyrus, you should definately get Altars of Madness and The Karelian Isthumus, both are very awesome albums. I dont think I've heard the other ones you listed so I cant compare, but these two are worth getting imo.
Asides both being tech/death bands they don't really sound that similar at all.

Oh trust me, I don't expect Spawn of Possession to sound like Necrophagist, I just need more good tech metal with good songwriting.

Zeph, I don't think "The Karelian Isthmus" is all it's cracked up to be, but I'm probably in the minority. It's too simplistic & the riffs are too cut & paste. The production is good, but the songs are not memorable. You might worship the album though, as I know you like a lot of non-complex stuff.

"Alters of Madness" is Death/Thrash in the vein of Slayer. Do you like old Slayer?? Again it's a fair album, I just think you could do better. If you want a more Death album get "Formulas Fatal to the Flesh".
yea you are. early Amorphis > you.

I have yet to hear FFTTF, but I will soon. I think Blessed Are The Sick is their best album.