Death Metal

Malign, I remember having sent you a Lucifer's Hammer album The Mists of Time. How did you like it?

I'm asking because I finally happened to find someone with their second album Ghosts of Fall and if you're interested I can work my upload magic.

Yeah, I'm interested. The Mists of Times is pretty cool. I need to listen to it more though, tbh.

Not very impressed with that new Dismember song, though it's not horrible. What the fuck happened to Matti's once great vocals?

The Demiurg song posted is actually the first thing I've ever heard from the band - and it's good to say the least. I recall their debut received quite a bit of praise. Is it anything like this newer stuff?
Where Ironcrosses Grow was a great release by Dismember that was almost as good as the first albums,but in an overall view i think they have been trading water for the last ten years or so
Blessed Are The Sick is indeed a killer album, but personally, I would either choose 'Covenant' or 'Altar...' over that album. FFTTF is a really good slab of modern Death Metal, its in the same vein I guess as Covenant. So the thrash influences are almost gone. But I think FFTTF is one of Morbid Angel's most overlooked album..

I find Covenant to be slightly boring

Well, since I have all Amorphis's album it's hard to get excited over their first one after hearing their other stuff. Also, it's more simplistic Death Metal than I normally like. I want my Death Metal to be technical & chop full of demanding passages & leads. Bass solos are a big plus in Death Metal as well, although they're not vey popular.

I like the Formulas-Gateways era of Morbid Angel the best. I never liked Domination very much. Blessed is a decent Thrash/Death album, but I will go no furthur than simply calling it decent... Alters & Covenant are best for their early stuff, although there is still some Thrashy stuff left over on Covenant.

well I'm the opposite. I tend to like punkier, more rock n' roll based death metal.
I find Demiurg to be utterly boring. "Breath of the Demiurg" was predictable generic Swano imo.

Get learned, cuz Swano didn't write any of it. It was all Rogga...Swano has only recently become a full-time member. He played only session drums and keys on Breath Of The Demiurg. And that album is a big time grower. There is a ton of great, thick atmosphere and even a cool concept to be discovered if you care enough.

The new song is the best one so far, it fucking rules.
I've never been into Death Metal, only bands I like are; Gojira, and Arch Enemy (never really liked them 'tll I saw them live... fucking undescribable).
Tried to get into Nile a bunch of times (for thier Egytian theme) but just couldn't.