Death Metal

try a black metal band. I've always thought of black metal being closer to thrash than death metal. Michael Amott of Carnage/Carcass said something about hating thrash in Choosing Death because it was the popular thing at the time and he wanted to differentiate himself from all the other metalheads.
In terms of riffing style and technique, death metal is much closer to thrash than black metal is.

actually it depends on the band. and Grave (at least on the first album) and Carnage do have blastbeats. they're just not the usual triggered "hyper-blasts".
try a black metal band. I've always thought of black metal being closer to thrash than death metal. Michael Amott of Carnage/Carcass said something about hating thrash in Choosing Death because it was the popular thing at the time and he wanted to differentiate himself from all the other metalheads.

you made me laugh there at the end... Fashion at the time you said... oooo fuck that I wanted intergrate into death metal after that and searched for a Deathmetalheads and fucking they all freaked....
Get learned, cuz Swano didn't write any of it. It was all Rogga...Swano has only recently become a full-time member. He played only session drums and keys on Breath Of The Demiurg. And that album is a big time grower. There is a ton of great, thick atmosphere and even a cool concept to be discovered if you care enough.

The new song is the best one so far, it fucking rules.

i wasnt referring to just the song writing. either swano had a big influence in production, or rogga was heavily influenced by the swano school of thought. but either way its irrelevant due to the fact that i still think the album sucks.
you made me laugh there at the end... Fashion at the time you said... oooo fuck that I wanted intergrate into death metal after that and searched for a Deathmetalheads and fucking they all freaked....

huh? that didn't make a lick of sense but whatever
Bolt Thrower and Electric Wizard would like a word with you.

I was trying to imply that all those other bands were better. Didn't quite work.

I'd hope my burning pentagramal hatred for the musical abortion that is arch-enemy would make up for my temporary lapse into Childrengrinder-esque linguistic phallacy.