Death Metal

I have fallen in love with Like An Everflowing Stream. I had my reservations about the Sunlight Studios sound before listening to this album, but the heavy, distorted sound of the bass that fills the background removed any fears of a the thin, buzzy sound I often associated that kind of production with.
I agree. Death metal doesn't have to have blast beats at all (ref Asphyx, Carnage, Grave, Moodark, etc.).

I'm generally not into blastbeats and never really saw it as something important to death metal which is why I prefere old school death metal.
I have fallen in love with Like An Everflowing Stream. I had my reservations about the Sunlight Studios sound before listening to this album, but the heavy, distorted sound of the bass that fills the background removed any fears of a the thin, buzzy sound I often associated that kind of production with.

Am I the only one that doesn't hold Like An Everflowing Stream in high regard? It's a good album but something about it comes off as a bit cheesy to me. The vocals also grate on me a bit.
I have fallen in love with Like An Everflowing Stream. I had my reservations about the Sunlight Studios sound before listening to this album, but the heavy, distorted sound of the bass that fills the background removed any fears of a the thin, buzzy sound I often associated that kind of production with.

glad you finally came around

Either way, Swedish Death > All other death. I'd say Finland is second best.

I agree with the first part. but most Finnish death besides Demigod, Amorphis and Sentenced is usually godawful wank. Dutch death is second for me.

LAEFS is great. I really can't get into Carnage's Dark Recollections though. It's just meh.

same band + 1 member. I find it odd you think that way. I'm kind of the other way around, but I still love LAEFS
Am I the only one that doesn't hold Like An Everflowing Stream in high regard? It's a good album but something about it comes off as a bit cheesy to me. The vocals also grate on me a bit.

I find the vocals in Dismember awful after LAEFS. Indecent & Obscene is the last good Dismember and the vocals suck to me. I prefere lower death metal vocals where in dismember the vocals have a hardcore/yelling type thing going on.

I prefere Carnage-dark recollections over Like An Everflowing Stream which is still one of the best death metal albums regardless.
I'm generally not into blastbeats and never really saw it as something important to death metal which is why I prefere old school death metal.

I think blast beats are uninventive, cliche, & usually suck more times than not. I've heard them being used in great context on some ocassions, however they usually come off sounding forced & sounds like the band is just trying to be true. There's never good guitar riffs on top of blast beats either.
depends on the style of music. in grindcore they are required. otherwise, its not grindcore.

Blast beats only work in the right context. I usually prefer little to no blast beats in death metal where as I agree that they're required in grindcore. I also think they work better in black metal than death metal for the most part.
I've become a lot more tolerant of blast beats over the years. I used to find them almost intolerable years ago. I think they serve a function in extreme metal but it is tricky putting them in the right places. Like somebody said before, sometimes they sound forced, almost as if they were put in a song just because it's an expected thing to do in extreme metal.

edit: I have to say some of the best use of blast beats I've ever heard are found on Blessed Are The Sick.
Blast beats are an excellent tool for conveying ideas when used effectively; unfortunately, most bands fail at this. I think that Black Metal is the most forgiving for blast beats, though it still finds plenty of overuse/abuse.
Like an Everflwoing Stream is certainly one of the best Swedish Death Metal albums ever recorded. I'm still of the opinion that the honor goes to Therion's Beyond Sanctorum, though.

I agree with the first part. but most Finnish death besides Demigod, Amorphis and Sentenced is usually godawful wank. Dutch death is second for me.

You really need to get educated on the subject of Finnish Death Metal.

Start here:

Cartilage, Demilich, Belial, Mordicus, Funebre, Convulse, Disgrace, Depravity, Excrement, Mythos, Purtenance, Adramelech, Vomiturition, Necropsy, Abhorrence.

Thank me later.