Death Metal

About the only death metal that does anything for me is Death, Obituary, and Cryptopsy, along with some of the early-mid 90s progressive death bands like Atheist and Cynic.

Hey bruh you need some Psycroptic methinks. And Anata and Quo Vadis.
It's self-titled. I'm on the first track, sounds solid like the first track off TGTNW. This album will probably be similar; some songs straightforward and more "brutal" and some songs more melodic.
It's self-titled. I'm on the first track, sounds solid like the first track off TGTNW. This album will probably be similar; some songs straightforward and more "brutal" and some songs more melodic.

Yeah, you're right. i'm on the 6th track, some are more straightforward death metal and some melodic. Pretty good album so far but a bit samey to their last album.
Actually yeah, I remember checking out Fatalist before. They're pretty good, but they definitely have room for improvement. There was this other USDM band that was unsigned that I thought was pretty good, I'm trying to remember the name. It was a pretty silly name, I remember that much.