Did you know...

The scholarships help a great deal; but not quite enough, as you can see from the magnitude of the sum that needs to be matched.
Needless to say, I'll be owing a lot of money in loans in the years to come :erk:

Did you know that snails can sleep for 3 years without eating?
yes, here I am necromancing some shit.. :p

Did you know the meaning of the thumb up and down signals of the Ceasar during gladiator games has been reversed for some reason?
Thumb up meant kill.

Did you know Thanatos has crappy taste in music and food?
Did you know there are more TV sets in the US than there are people in the UK?

Did you know that the names of all the continents end with the letter they start with? (At least if you're speaking English.)
I'm just off to watch a tv program called QI which has loads of quite interesting facts and stuff, I'll remember as many as I can for this thread. :p

EDIT: Turns out mum has engaged full Sad Mode and is watching Big Brother instead. I'll get around to buying my own tv one day, but in the meantime I've just remembered that Antarctica boasts both the wettest and the driest places on earth, which isn't particularly interesting but you can blame my old lady for that.
Fact: The Parsee people number less than 100, 000 in the world and their numbers are decreasing per year. They also have sky burials of their dead in Towers of Silence, in layman's terms: vultures eat them in these large towers.

I used to think that was morbid when I was little, but not anymore.
Did you know that the saying that elephants never forget has been backed by science?
A study of wild African elephants has revealed that dominant females build up a social memory as they get older, enabling them to recognise "friendly" faces. They signal whether an outsider is a friend or foe to the rest of the herd, allowing family members to focus on feeding and breeding when there is no danger. :Spin:
did you know that in germany, important members of the church (cardinals, bishops) are not, like normal priests, paid via the special "church tax" every church member (and only them) has to pay, but instead from all the other normal taxes, just like public servants? i don't wanna give a cent to these fucks.
fact/did you know - Big Brother is watching You - now when you borrow a book from a public library (maybe all libraries?) in the USA - your name and the book are now recorded in some government (Patriot Act) data bank - why you ask - its a way to stop terrorism - BTW they are trying to have bookstores provide the same information -

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."
G.O. - 1984
La Rocque: They only do that for certain books, like Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', 'The Communist Manifesto', 'The Little Red Book', etc..
I was with a friend when he took out 'Mein Kampf' for a research assignment and they took down his info and made him sign something.
..such bullshit.
hm, mein kampf for instance is even banned here. you can't buy it in shops, and it's actually illegal to own a copy. i think if people were allowed to read it, they would rather sooner than later realize what utter crap it is. it's the forbidden fruit that's more interesting.
Malaclypse said:
hm, mein kampf for instance is even banned here. you can't buy it in shops, and it's actually illegal to own a copy.
I'm not surprised. From my experience, the Germans work hard to get rid of that image before the world. One particular German friend of mine discussed with me once how terrible he felt whenever people prejudged him, and Germans in general, with the idea of Nazism in mind.
yeah, of course we are, guilt is set in our minds since pre-school. i don't want to be labeled like that as well, and i hugely get pissed off if someone cracks a joke about it. still, i feel we all don't need to feel guilt, since even our fathers have never seen WW2. we should keep the memories, but not the guilt.
MagSec4 said:
La Rocque: They only do that for certain books, like Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', 'The Communist Manifesto', 'The Little Red Book', etc..
I was with a friend when he took out 'Mein Kampf' for a research assignment and they took down his info and made him sign something.
..such bullshit.
Ahhh, America, the land of freedom. ;)

Malaclypse said:
and i hugely get pissed off if someone cracks a joke about it.
i know 8|


The Patriot Act put into law a number of government powers that many officials had wanted for some time but had been unable to get. The biggest criticism of the Act is its authority for government to use surveillance without the traditional need to get a warrant or even necessarily show probable cause. The government can now look at your medical records, library records, Internet records, etc. The people who have those records are not even allowed to tell you that you are being investigated.
- All books borrowed are recorded -
“The American Library Association (ALA) opposes any use of governmental power to suppress the free and open exchange of knowledge and information or to intimidate individuals exercising free inquiry…ALA considers that sections of the USA PATRIOT ACT are a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users.”--

Big Brother is watching *YOU*
Malac: By the way, I completely agree with you about it being unwise to make that book (and whatever other relevant stuff) forbidden fruit.
And for what it's worth, the events of that time and their cause were NOT all Germany's fault. From the first world war, the 'allies' and their bullshit and their attitude were the ones who indirectly brought all that on.
..just like they were a main indirect cause of the endless and terrible conflict in Israel.

I've always thought it was so fucked up to always just point the finger at Germany for those times.
Did you know that, although no official figures have been released by the Soviet or Russian governments, most estimates put the figure of Stalin's death toll at between eight and twenty million? And that most of them were in fact his people*?

*ie belonged to his own country
Batteries taste metallic and really weird when you lick them. It's an uncomfortable, stinging feeling...