DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide

NineFeetUnderground said:
jon claimed the man "hit on him" and so jon led him out to the woods and killed him with a boot knife.

isnt' that what Faust did as well? (ex-emperor drummer, current aborym)
the_drip said:
isnt' that what Faust did as well? (ex-emperor drummer, current aborym)
As i`ve said earlier in this thread, Faust stabbed a guy for hitting on him in a park in Lillehammer Norway.

Jon and a guy named Vlad killed an algerian homosexual, and i think he was shot.
As a fan of Dissection...well except for the last album, this came as a surprise today. He was an extreme person and it certainly was a fitting end. Not much else to say.
NicholasDWolfwood said:
The empty space that he leaves behind will be filled with the dark essence that he manifested through his life and black-magical work. His legacy and Luciferian Fire will live on through those few who truly knew him and appreciated his work for what it really was and still is. As our brother's goal in life and death never was to 'Rest in Peace', we will instead wish him victories in all battles to come, until the Acosmic Destiny has been fulfilled.

"For the glory of the Dark Gods and the Wrathful Chaos! 218"
sounds like something from a Dungeons & Dragons session or something
affinityband said:
nah i respect Jon because of his fantastic voice. I do on the other hand think its pretty outrageous that he stabbed someone because he felt they were coming on to him, no one respects that. Hitler...The man was pure evil. puree, clever, but pretty gr1m. And nothing compared to jon. bad/extreme comparasion in my honest opinion
See, I wasn't comparing Jon to Hitler though. I was simply using Hitler to show BloodSword that his argument wasn't any good.
BloodSword said:
While I don't agree with Nodveidt's personal beliefs(as others here don't) The guy is dead, regardless of what you may think of him, Show some fucking respect. And if he didn't create some of the best metal, people on here would'nt even know him. He was a human being, for God's sake!!

He killed another person in cold blood, not in a time of war or under duress, but because he was a narrow minded, homo phobic shit head.

No lets not respect him, because normal, intelligent human beings in a modern world don't just go around murdering each other because they don't agree with each others lifestyles.

The cunt should have been dead 9 years ago.
Please stop talking about "good" and "evil" and people who deserve respect and who don't or I'll convert this thread into another free will debate. You have been warned. :erk:
I think now, that Jon is with fucking Satan, he'd be proud of all the shit-slinging, bitterness and hatred exhibited on this forum. He's probably glad most of you hate him!! Comparing Nodveidt to Hitler? Tells me you don't know squat about music or world history. Nodveidt's laughing his ass off at all of you.