Dissing nOObs is not the way to support Opeth


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2005
This will be my final post here. I've only done 3 or 4, but you people have me fed up.

Now, before you can automatically update with "Glad that you're leaving, nOOB" or whatever else your internet crackhead minds can come up with, just read. I know reading outside of your Metal Edge mags might be a little difficult for you, but try.

You metal geeks are all a bunch of stuck-up idiots who never get laid.

I had always had the suspicion, but my last two Opeth shows have confirmed this.

I respect your knowledge. I'm jealous of your knowledge. However, I cannot and will not respect you idiots for constantly trying to put yourselves above the people who you feel aren't "cool" (you're on the internet for crissakes!) enough to post on your forums. Why the hostility? I can picture you in your house, your dormroom, or your mum's basement (make fun of me for saying "mum," you mongoloids) laughing to yourself that you called someone a nOOb. I've been listening to Opeth since My Arms, Your Hearse, and while I grant you that I missed the first two albums when they came out, that's still long enough to bypass the newbie or Mtvfag accusations you idiots like to bring up.

So, from one Opeth fan to another, don't be a prick. Invite more people to listen to this band and preach to them on why moshing, hardcore dancing, stage diving, and crowd surfing will not be put up with at the concerts of the world's most fabulous band. Like it or not, Opeth is getting bigger and will only get bigger as time goes on, and you know what I say? Good for them! God forbid Mikael and Peter get some money for working on their band and their sound for so many years. If you don't like it that they went to Roadrunner and have a new image (something that I hate too), let them know. Don't sit on your computer and discourage fans from liking them. That's counter-productive.

Dissing Opeth elitists is the way to support Opeth then?
There were quite a few spiteful comments towards them in there, so you can't say you weren't "dissing" them.

I think they are way overhyped, elitists and noobs. I think there should be a big increase in "non-elitist-non-noob bashing". Come on, you know you want to! "you people only get laid a normal amount of time and you like cool music! Your pretty decent amount of knowledge about the chosen subject is admirable and you are pretty open minded and pleasant. In other words you suck!"
todd1726 said:
I had always had the suspicion, but my last two Opeth shows have confirmed this.
confirmed what? what has the bb got to do with the people at the shows?

So, from one Opeth fan to another, don't be a prick.
if we promise to be nice, are you coming back? ;)
Invite more people to listen to this band and preach to them on why moshing, hardcore dancing, stage diving, and crowd surfing will not be put up with at the concerts of the world's most fabulous band.
this has been discussed, and not everyone (including older fans) agree with you - at least about moshing.
is this what confirmed your suspicions at the opeth shows? moshing?

Like it or not, Opeth is getting bigger and will only get bigger as time goes on, and you know what I say? Good for them! God forbid Mikael and Peter get some money for working on their band and their sound for so many years.
this has been discussed too. it seems to me that you gave too much importance to the flaming instead of participating in the discussions.

although this forum is inferior to the unofficial one imo, i think it's as good as an official-successful-roadrunner-band-forum can be

but alas, i posted all this in vain cos you'll never bother to check this forum again ;)
todd1726 said:
You metal geeks are all a bunch of stuck-up idiots who never get laid.

Never get laid? Are you kidding? I've had sex more times than you can imagine.
I was going to add that it is indeed n00b, but you beat me to it. I have nothing further to add to this discussion.

Oh wait. He implied that we read Metal Edge. Metal Edge is total shit. I doubt anyone here actually reads that.
todd1726 said:
This will be my final post here. I've only done 3 or 4, but you people have me fed up.

Now, before you can automatically update with "Glad that you're leaving, nOOB" or whatever else your internet crackhead minds can come up with, just read. I know reading outside of your Metal Edge mags might be a little difficult for you, but try.

You metal geeks are all a bunch of stuck-up idiots who never get laid.

I had always had the suspicion, but my last two Opeth shows have confirmed this.

I respect your knowledge. I'm jealous of your knowledge. However, I cannot and will not respect you idiots for constantly trying to put yourselves above the people who you feel aren't "cool" (you're on the internet for crissakes!) enough to post on your forums. Why the hostility? I can picture you in your house, your dormroom, or your mum's basement (make fun of me for saying "mum," you mongoloids) laughing to yourself that you called someone a nOOb. I've been listening to Opeth since My Arms, Your Hearse, and while I grant you that I missed the first two albums when they came out, that's still long enough to bypass the newbie or Mtvfag accusations you idiots like to bring up.

So, from one Opeth fan to another, don't be a prick. Invite more people to listen to this band and preach to them on why moshing, hardcore dancing, stage diving, and crowd surfing will not be put up with at the concerts of the world's most fabulous band. Like it or not, Opeth is getting bigger and will only get bigger as time goes on, and you know what I say? Good for them! God forbid Mikael and Peter get some money for working on their band and their sound for so many years. If you don't like it that they went to Roadrunner and have a new image (something that I hate too), let them know. Don't sit on your computer and discourage fans from liking them. That's counter-productive.


I realize that I'm wasting my time posting this, as you won't be coming back, but you too should realize the same thing. Your wasting your time. For posting such a hostile post are you really acheiving anything? Your basically lowering yourself to the level of those you hate. I understand how you feel. But frankly, I cant at all blame any of these people for feeling the way they do.

I've been around these forums for a good year and a half now, and honestly, as of late a HUGE number of new members have been joining, and posting stupid ass questions that could be resolved easily, and trouble free just by looking at the FAQ, or using the handy dandy search. I'm not sure about how your problems came about and quite honestly, I don't really give a damn. But, you should take in what I've just said, in case you do return.
A) 98% of metal is retarded.
B) "preaching" how not to dance/mosh is just a different form of elitism.
C) youre not the first to go because of this...nor will you be the last.
D) who the fuck were you anyway?
LadyValerie said:
Never get laid? Are you kidding? I've had sex more times than you can imagine.

right when I read that I knew there would be someone who would brag about the many times they have been laid. It never fails.
I don't like these kinds of people either, but you really just need to ignore them and get over it because these people aren't just here, they are everywhere. Everyone is an asshole these days.