Do you like Children of Bodom?

Do you like Children of Bodom?

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Alright, lets leave it at that. Good reason and can't be bothered to get into some argument. And CliffBurton, sorry I didn't pick up on your ULTIMATESARCASMEMOTICON. Fuck off, and quit caring.
Alright, lets leave it at that. Good reason and can't be bothered to get into some argument. And CliffBurton, sorry I didn't pick up on your ULTIMATESARCASMEMOTICON. Fuck off, and quit caring.

Everyone quick!
He made a dumb comment and decided to drag it on for 3 posts.

Pounce on the opportunity to E-bash him!
I listen to Bodom on average of twice a week if I didn't like all this other music and if I wasn't so determined to listen to everything I would listen to em' a hell of a lot more whenever i can't make up my mind on what to listen to I usually turn to COB
Ill listen to the new album. If it surprises me, then fine, but so far, tie my rope was lame. "What we know of Blooddrunk..." is one song, Tie my Rope, and it was lame. Just like when the TLSO single came out with ...knuckleduster... It was shitty, and then the album that came out after, was shitty.

I mean come on...Knuckleduster was a shiiitttyyy song, and they released it with the hopes that there would be someone that actually likes it, which proves that they will probably do it again.

Now that you reminded, T,L&S most reminds the style that Blooddrunk has been described to present. Heavy, melodic and fast.

Knuckleduster is a kickass song and has mind-blowing solos.

I can imagine Tie My Rope being a pretty good song when the vocals and guitars are replaced with better ones.

I doubt they'll have another Silent Night, Bodom Night but I'm not surprised if this is the best shit since that.
I like Knuckleduster too. I like the band and listen to them everyday. I listen to much other stuff but I definetly listen to CoB Often.