Do you like metal?


I love metal of course, it touches me in ways many styles cannot dream of reaching.

But I don't think it's necessarily the best musical style there is. There's lot of crap in metal, when I compare to my own tastes anyway ; that's why I really don't mind listening to other things : 70's progressive rock, 80's new wave and goth, along with anything weird/theatrical/emotional/whatever I can find. I understand why people could be "metalheads", metal is indeed a very rich world. It's just that I need to listen to other things as well.

What I don't like about metal, on the other hand, is the attitude. Most extreme bands have, sadly, a very chidish attitude I just cannot stand, I mean come on : look at most death metal bands, for example. I think they have lots and lots of talent (although it depends wich band), but most of them act like they're supposed to be scary. Heheh, on pictures they all look the same : long hair, beard, arms crossed, and an "evil" glow in their eyes. Come on... They look like a bunch of fools. That's only an example about stuff that makes me think that I am not what is called a true metalhead.

Hmmm.... sorry about the bitching, I'll probably receive a death threat or something. If you do so, please don't cross your arms, I'll laugh at you :P
well... it depends :

I love metal, I know shitloads about metal, I used to run around like "it came from the eighties", I had long hair until my genes started to kick in, am mentioned in the credits of some obscure underground black metal band, have a 3D eddie fresco with blinking LED eyes on my livingroom door, can sing along to every manowar tune ever written, own about 500 heavy metal recordings, play air guitar when banging, sing like abbath, have heard almost every 80ties metal band that never made it to the 90ties, own a 1984 running wild t-shirt, still wear the first band shirt I ever bought (which is manowar, triumph of steel tour shirt)
he seen manowar live and survived (and was hoarse for 2 days after that)...

But I also like some german experimental (progressive ;)) Hip Hop, a lot of celtic an Irish folk, medieval music, classical stuff, alanis morisette and leonard cohen ;)
and apart from that a bunch of hard rock stuff, some modern pop tunes, sinatra, early tori amos, nearly shave my head now, own clothes that do not bear band names (and wear them), get along with "normal" people so much that most of my RL friends aren't all that much into metal (though I have converted some)..

and despite all that I don't feel like I have lost any credibillity... ;)
My life is metal....
My way is metal....
My future is metal.......
I am a really metalhead.
but i'm too listen ohter groups than are not metal... how celta music,etc...:heh:
My life is metal....
My way is metal....
My future is metal.......
I am a really metalhead.
but i'm too listen ohter groups than are not metal... how celta music,etc...
Nice topic! I really don't care what anyone thinks about me. I listen to metal 9 years already and with it I listen a vast fuckin' pile of different music: drum'n'bass, jungle, Depeche Mode, Chris Rea, Sting, Moby, I can't even remember all that I like, there were times when I thought: shit, I'm not metal anymore. But no! Metal is love of my life: I spend money for it, I play it, I preach it. Sometimes metal is something that saves from fuckin' reality, helps to believe in my strength, to solve shitty problems. Not so many men can understand how can I love such a music, and I don't give a fuck: that's my music and all who doesn't like it may fuckin' suck!
I wouldn't call myself a "Rivet Head" or "Metal Head."
I'm a fan of anything on the harder side. No pop music or anything like that. I have found that Metal could be great "hobby" too.
I guess a Metal Fan? This style of music is the only thing that can get me goin', like some kind of high or something with no fucking hangover!
How the hell can you beat that?
metalized said:

Let me explain myself!
I know that you do like metal of course. How much? You just happen to listening to some metal too? R u true metalheads? Or what?

Judgement day ladies...

I am true metalead. a really fucking closed minded one. nothing but metal...

"If you 're not into metal, you are not my friend" sort of thing.

I love metal. But I hate metal heads and metal fans like you.
In fact, where exactly is the boarder between Metal and non-Metal?
E.g., is the new Paradise Lost album Metal? (I just love it!)
You also have to consider that some rock bands (e.g. punk rock bands like The Exploited) sound even much heavier than some Metal (esp. melodic metal) bands. So I wouldn´t say I am a metalhead but I listen to all kinds of heavy music.
(Who´s going to throw the first stone on me?) :loco: