Do you speak with an accent?

I just don't find them attractive. The whiter the skin the better I guess. It's also a personality issue. When I think of Latinas I think of constant bitching with the most annoying voices.
My accent is mostly Australian, but I still have traces of my English accent every now and then. Sorry to disappoint anyone who thought I might sound like Apu :lol:
I just don't find them attractive. The whiter the skin the better I guess. It's also a personality issue. When I think of Latinas I think of constant bitching with the most annoying voices.

I think of sexy as fuck curves and gorgeous raven hair. Are you sure you like girls? :lol:

In all seriousness though, I guess we all have our tastes. Yeah I love the Latino look, but my actual gf is pale as chalk.
Yeah, Latinas are pretty much the best.

Case in point:


Hips don't lie, faggots