Do you speak with an accent?

Some deep south accents really annoy me. There was one girl on Americas next top model who was from Alabama and every time she talked I would tell my sister to change the channel.
I speak with a pretty standard English voice usually but if I'm around others who have an accent mine tends to drift to a fairly poor imitation one, especially after a few drinks ;)

I think I have some bizarre thing were my accent comes in and out of force. If the people around me don't have one it comes in, if they do it goes..
If the dream becomes a reality she's just going to eventually ruin you anyways so being the creepy guy you are just kill her already and get it over with or something. You know she's not going to give you the time of day and you're sick of looking at her ass. (you have no balls!)

I didn't understand, why will she ruin me? She's not a disease.
I dont see how you having an Aussie accent should affect the way you type on the internet... I have a Scottish accent but I don't type in Glaswegian slang?

I don't do it as much these days, as I think about it a bit more but when I started the internet I used an Australian forum first and I picked up a lot of bad habits

Faarkin oath maaaate

So seriously I would spell shit like fark for emphasis and no one would have any idea what I was on about especially people who aren't great at English
I don't do it as much these days, as I think about it a bit more but when I started the internet I used an Australian forum first and I picked up a lot of bad habits

So seriously I would spell shit like fark for emphasis and no one would have any idea what I was on about especially people who aren't great at English

:lol: well fark looks pretty different to fuck.

OFFTOPIC: I noticed you have Daysend in your sig. Just found out they existed a few weeks ago. Very good band (for aussies ;) ) :rock:
Yeah, the easiest way for me to identify Mexicans is if I can't understand them. Its weird how some people learn Spanish because of the rising number of Mexicans when Mexican Spanish is different from Spanish Spanish. Thats like teaching someone American English if they are going to live in England.
I don't get it. I hardly see Mexicans around in Maine, but when I walk into a Mcdonalds or another fast food place, I see a bunch!