Do you speak with an accent?

In reference to a standardizing of an accent: My suspicions are that accents within countries are standardizing due to the mass media. Notice how national newscasters all talk the same.

hmm in Britain the opposite has happened with newscasters. In the begininng a BBC newscaster with an incredibly slight northern accent caused an outraged with the um, delightful folk down sowf. Now a heck of a lot of TV presenters have accents. Newscasters maybe not but that has always been the case. TV dramas and so on always have the accents (or bad attempts at them) of the area the drama is set in.
In reference to a standardizing of an accent: My suspicions are that accents within countries are standardizing due to the mass media. Notice how national newscasters all talk the same.

Indeed. The Weather Channel is a prime example. They're based in Atlanta, but they try to hide their southern accents in order to sound smarter. Doesn't always work.
Indeed. The Weather Channel is a prime example. They're based in Atlanta, but they try to hide their southern accents in order to sound smarter. Doesn't always work.
They aren't necessarily hiding a southern accent. Not everyone in the south speaks with a southern accent, just like not everyone in new England says "pahk the cah."
Yeah it wasn't really for the already English speaking types more the people that have English as a second language who are new to it

The reason I do this is because I've already had other members on UM and other forums complain about me typing shit that they don't understand so I'm just trying to be a bit considerate

I dont see how you having an Aussie accent should affect the way you type on the internet... I have a Scottish accent but I don't type in Glaswegian slang?