Do you speak with an accent?


(to the stalker guy)

I was that bad and I got over her and back to being normal without it getting serious so so should you.
Ok then, I don't want this topic to be about me, but if someone has the cure for this disease PM me.
They aren't necessarily hiding a southern accent. Not everyone in the south speaks with a southern accent, just like not everyone in new England says "pahk the cah."

Yeah, I've heard that everyone in New Jersey says "Joysey" but I barely heard it from anyone there. I didn't hear too many stereotypical southern accents when I went to South Carolina. But my sister goes to Clemson and she came back one summer saying "yall".
I speak with a pretty standard English voice usually but if I'm around others who have an accent mine tends to drift to a fairly poor imitation one, especially after a few drinks ;)
[offtopic]Btw, i saw her again today at school, fuckin nice ass, i was starring at it all day.[/offtopic]

If the dream becomes a reality she's just going to eventually ruin you anyways so being the creepy guy you are just kill her already and get it over with or something. You know she's not going to give you the time of day and you're sick of looking at her ass. (you have no balls!)
I speak with a pretty standard English voice usually but if I'm around others who have an accent mine tends to drift to a fairly poor imitation one, especially after a few drinks ;)

I do the same thing. I did a Spanish exchange, and when my partner came to England I found myself unintentionally explaining things to him in a really weird English-Spanish hybrid accent.
Even though I can understand a good amount of Spanish I can't understand Mexicans. Probably from all the slang and their accent.
wat the fook is an ayksaint

That quiz said "Inland North" -
You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

Wtf? "Pop"? Gay.
I've never been to Wisconsin or Chicago, and I've lived in Northern VA all my life. My parents have never lived in the "Inland North," either. I have the same accent as everyone around here, which in my opinion is the equivalent of "no accent." It's not New York-ish or Bostonian, and certainly not southern. "Normal."

I've only been told once in my life that I have an accent, and the guy who said it about me was from Jersey. Naturally, he said my accent was "southern."

Tbh, I am not fond of southern accents at all. I used to not like British accents, but now I do a little bit.