Do you use your turn signal when driving?

Do you use your turn signal?

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My car has an auto leveling feature for the headlights, so unless the electronics are calibrated incorrectly, they are fine.

I feel your pain, E46 M3 with auto leveling Zenons, I get flashed quite often. It has reduced since moving to Germany but still happens. I used to get pissed off but now I usually laugh it off cause the oncoming high beams are still weaker than my low beams. I would like to see the reaction of the flasher when I flash back - momentary blindness :lol:
I always signal, even in turn-only lanes. Sometimes I signal in parking lots too, but I'm also one of those guys who drives in the designated area, rather than just cutting through row after row of parking spaces. I've almost been hit by people cutting through parking lots a few times, so natually I disapprove of anyone who does it.
yeah I use it. I wish I could drive and there not be a car near me for miles and miles. Fuck people!
between people not signaling, going slow as fuck.. to people going slow as fuck on the highway. Fuck those people up their stupid asses!