doom metal!!!!

My ass is not big.

You didn't specify anything concerning Candlemass, so how would I know? :p
Back to Candlemass, didn't we have an official thread somewhere? Or was that on Appropriate Apocalypse?

I know I was praising this fuckin beast at some point, and a lot of people were like, huh??

I have all of their cds, actually lost Epicus awhile back, but I think Messiah Marcolin is by far their best vocalist.

What's funny about that Joey Tempest shirt is that the band is good friends with the guys in Europe. I remember seeing this old interview with them and he was holding a Europe vinyl, singing "Let the Good Times Rock," showing off his belly...
Void of SIlence is real good. Their next album will have ALan from Primordial on vocals. THe vocalist on their first two was Fabban from Aborym.
Been enjoying Sunn 0))) for some time, and Khanate almost made me slit my wrists last night (in the gay way).
back to doom:

listened to Pantheist's "O SOlitude" on my way home this evening. Damn, that made me want to drive right off the huge freeway connector into oblivion. GOod stuff.
Opeth17 said:
I didn't know that us non-reviewing type were cool enough to carry the RC banner. I would too if I knew how. :lol:
Somebody help this man out! Opeth17 - I think you'd just cut and paste the banner from someone else's sig and drop it into your own.