dorian's '90s NON METAL videos thread

This has been in the car with me for the past few days
I bought it used back in 98 and its still going strong
HOW THE FUCK DID I MISS THIS THREAD?! Thanks for posting Pretty Noose, I haven't heard this song probably since 1998. I always thought Soundgarden were very up/down in quality. Combine the best elements of 4 albums and you have 1 solid listen.

5 Popular '90s Albums That I Still Adore:
Alice in Chains - Dirt
Faith No More - Angel Dust
Danzig 4p
White Zombie - Astrocreep 2000
Nirvana - Incesticide

The first Blind Melon album where they made $$$$$$ was lame. The second album was pure fucking genius and got ignored. I tried to post a link to the video for Toes Across the Floor but it's blocked. I highly recommend checking out the entire album (Soup), but absolutely that song if nothing else.

I saw Candlebox at the first concert I ever went to. I fucking hated that band. It was a huge show and everyone was asleep for their set. The crowd finally started yelling when Mr. Candlebox said "are you guys ready for Suicidal Tendencies?" :lol:

That's my take on '90s pop culture I suppose. Pretty amazing decade for music, a lot of crap like any other age, but so much great stuff that more than makes up for the poop.

Just sayin' this is probably the best non-Dirt AiC song is all.
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Oops one last note, when I die and am subsequently cremated, my request to whomever delivers my box full o' ash out to Joshua Tree to dump me in the dirt:

On the drive out there, blast the last 3 songs from Incesticide VERY FUCKING LOUDLY. Please comply and I will reward you with great riches from beyond the grave.
"Alternative rock" was a phenomenal movement when you really think about it. A lot of garbage, but there's NO WAY 95% of that stuff would EVER make the airwaves these days. Thank you Sonic Youth, thank you Nirvana....
not really because i personally feel that "alternative" music enjoys more exposure now than ever before

and it's muchly thanks to the death or impending death of mtv, traditional radio and record labels, too
not really because i personally feel that "alternative" music enjoys more exposure now than ever before

97% of housewives have no idea who Animal Collective is (arguably the most important "alt" band of the last 10 years)

Almost all of them know Taylor Swift
Almost all of them still know Nirvana

That's a big diff
I have zero problem with the state of music these days. The masses can have their garbage.

I haven't listened to the radio since about 2001 and MTV died for me in 1995. Yet, I've never had a problem finding great music.

That being said, if I were KINGNAD, Unida would've been famous instead of Wolfmother, but I really can't be bothered by that.
97% of housewives have no idea who Animal Collective is (arguably the most important "alt" band of the last 10 years)

Almost all of them know Taylor Swift
Almost all of them still know Nirvana

That's a big diff

who the hell is taylor swift or animal collective
let's face it. the 90's were FUCKING TERRIBLE music wise ...
just look at this top 100 list ... LOOK AT IT!
See this is very true. The good of the '90s was GOOD but it still had a load of poop. I like 15 of those songs. Back then, probably 22. And really, half of those suck, I just happen to enjoy them.

What's an Animal Collective anyhow? I saw Taylor Swift on some New Year's thing a few weeks ago. Horrible.
I try to not take music too seriously. I let the bands do that - and it makes me laugh. People taking themselves seriously, that is.