
I keep having dreams about Chris Krall(former into eternity singer:rolleyes:, first guy in my sig). We're either friends or lovers or both. He's a singer, but something happens and I get kidnapped by an evil king, and he has to come to the castle and save me, but not before waking the rest of his bandmates as sacred creators of Regina, Canada.

that being said, I play too much videogames:Smug:

another recent dream I had, Florian and I got lost in some place in Europe and kept seeing other COBOT friends, but they were evil and trying to kill us...
I had a dream about my ex and my best guy friend, then had another dream about my brother, then had another one about my parrot ( :cry: ) and then i had to get up... after 10 minutes, i slept again and had a wierd scattered dream.

That's the result of not having dreams for a long time
I gotta bring this up. The most random, fucked up dream possible...

Included in my plans to move to Sweden is the idea of finding out if Martin Lopez still plays, and if he's looking to start a new band. He's my dream drummer.

Given my recent luck with things international and particularly Swedish, I've rebirthed these ideas and have continued adding layers to my plans.

Why the FUCK does this all result in a dream of being at a Swedish metal festival/music clinic and making out with a high Martin Lopez??? I've always found him attractive but WTF?!?

I figured I'd share that. I'm glad it was only a dream and not reality; I don't wanna fuck up what I've got going on right now.
Aah dreams are pretty fucked up.. I have a lot of dreams, ranging from the death dreams to the pretty wild sex dreams, otehrs with murder, adventures, and even one where i was at my school (this was like, 4th grade or something) and i remember this giant tube system underground and having a lot of fear, climbing out of a toilet, and then my best friend stood there and told me calmly its all just a dream, and i was then outside by a set of swings, and really just, waited for waking up, which i eventually did.

Also one of my latest weird dreams, involved a pirate ship and a bunch of pirates and me.. We were eh, fighting a baby. It was all seen from above, like birds eye view.. and i moved the ship over to shoot the baby, but he bloated up and caught the ship with his hand and lifted the ship (it was now first person view for me), and we shot a cannon(yes, the whole cannon) into its mouth. The ship eh, im not sure if it turned into a chopper, or if it was some scene change, but nonetheless, i was in a chopper with evidence of hte baby, which we were to take to a radio tower. We flew there and i jumped out. I spotted a "bad guy" behind the tower, and pulled my pistol. AT first hte trigger was hard to squeeze.. Then it became easier, but just water came out, and eventually bb pellets.. Nevertheless i only managed to get his attention, at which he raised his rifle and approached me. I ran back and into a hangar, where the chopper and the full squad of good guys were parked. They threw me a shotgun (instead of firing at the dude which was OBVIOUSLY a giant threat to me), inwhich i fired at him. He DODGES the fucking shotgun blast, and shoots me in my chest area (i could feel it, but, just feel that it hit), and then i shot him in the fucking eye, which was very eh, detailed, very badass memory. AT any rate, i fell over from my obvious chest wound. THe others just really stood there and watched. THe icky thing, is that my heartrate went up, like my heart really beated fast, as i also felt warmth spread in my chest. I really thought i were dying :cry: so i screamed out and then i woke up

Most of the weird shit though, happen at the time BEFORE i fall asleep

It can go like this:

I'm sitting on a brick wall in a jolly position, while bricks with feet are dancing in a circular motion around me. Fun, happy music is played, but eh, i cant really grasp it, its just, music.. THis continues on till i fall of the wall and wake up from my trance-ish thing.. It happens every now and then. Pretty weird. Replace the Bricks with various other objects if you like, i probably have "dreamt" about them too. BUt the bricks are recurring.. Standard red bricks.
This summer when i came from work i was exhausted. So i went to lie down and i fell asleep.

I started dreaming and some things came into the house and took me away...dont know what happened then.
Then somethin uber weird happens...I kinda like slid to awakened state but i couldnt move and i felt VERY SCARED...it was fuckin freaky i couldnt move a muscle and it felt like somethin was wrong then i slid back into my dream this time i was being kept somewhere:lol: dunno where:erk: There were like ppl guarding the place then i slid back into awakened state AGAIN!! Then i seriously tried to wake up and mvoe but my eyes were forced shut again...then the next 2 tiems it happened again but i was tortured and shit. I have no idea what it was but the "not able to move" part freaked me out and i was really sick feeling when i woke up. Dunno if all that was a big dream but i dont think so since when i was "awake" i could hear my phone alarming that the battery would die soon...:erk:

EDIT: so yeah pretty scary...fuckin lying awake but rest of body sleeping.
^^Yes but it was like 4-5 dreams...and did you know that some dreams are 2 seconds long?:D and that you see over 10000 dreams in one night?:) Its pretty interesting. One other thing...if you see 3 dreams in a night(like that you know you dreamed them) you rarely remember more than 1. Technically seen everyone dreams but they might just not remember the dreams.
I had a dream that I saw Children of Bodom at the Starland Ballroom(North Jersey:rolleyes:), and that I had to babysit Alexi, and I lost my tickets.
I had a dream last night where I went to see my best friend from Middle School (who I haven't seen in years). His dad answered the door, completely engulfed in flames. I kept saying, "hey man, you need help with that?" and he keeps going "nah, its ok happens all the time." Throughout the conversation, his skin keeps melting off and he's just acting like nothing's happening. Finally he's just a charred skeleton and he's still like "Oh yeah Matt (my friend from years ago) doesn't live here anymore blah blah blah."