

the eye of the beholder
Nov 14, 2001
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Helloo....I don't know if anyone here believes in dream interpretation and all that but.....I had this dream the other night and a guy approached me to sell my house.
I said 'Why do you want to buy it?'
He said 'Because it's the perfect resting place for the souls of the damned!'
I woke up
hehe Anyway..I thought it was pretty cool.

let me know wot u think and tell me about ur dreams

catch ya's on the dark side
Aaaaww crap, I had a thread called "Dreams" a while ago, why didn't you people write there.... :bah: Oh well, it was on Opeth board....and you can't have everything...
Whoa dude thats a wierd dream... I have had similar dreams but nothing quite that freaky LOL. Your dream is prolly just a manifestastion of somthing you did that day. Did anything happen to you that day where you were thinking of your home or somthing? If so that would be the reason. The soul thing is prolly from the kind of music you listen to :-). Or mabye its just lucifer fuckin with you mentally hahaha j/k.

I don't understand dream interpretation, but I happen to know an ex-priest who is interpreting dreams as his profession now. A very interesting person to talk to.
Part of the problem with interpreting dreams is that when you ask other people for suggestions as to what yours might mean, you have to remember that sometimes dreams can be symbolic and that your own symbolism an be something that you alone can truly work out. The same vision can mean different things if two different people have the same dream, essentially.

Do you remember anything else surrounding that dream? Any other events?

My guess offhand would be that you're possibly secretly feeling guilty about something... Your home being the perfect resting place for the damned probably means that you've either got something on your concience that's bothering you subconciously, or you have the feeling that things in your life are going wrong and it's starting to hit home... but you're busy ignoring that in your waking life. The man wanting to buy it from you could be your subconcience reminding you that no matter how much you want to deny that there's a problem, it's there... possibly for people to see.

Or at least that's what *I* would take it to mean if I had that dream.

Bear in mind that I have no "professional" training in this... it's just a hobby I sometimes like to read up on. I also have lately started trying to keep a journal of my dreams... in no small part because I've had a dramatic rise in the number of fun sexual ones lately, and I don't want to forget them. ;)

~Zeanra~, well no wonder I didn't reply to you.... I never visit the Opeth board. :p
it's been about 6 months now, but i had this dream that i was at ozzfest, and there was a church there and a band was playing inside, so i went in and cradle of filth was setting up to play, but there was no stage, they were just up in the front-right corner. and everyone was sitting down in the rows, and there were like normal people there, old people, families, even mine was there. and i sat on the right side on the inside near the row. when CoF was ready to play, dani told us all to bow our heads and pray, so we all did and about 10 seconds later there was blood shooting from all around, and from the ceiling, it got all over my face and it was "raining blood" :D, and right when that happened, CoF started playing beneath the howling stars, a mosh pit formed up in the front so i tried to get up there but there was a yellow tape keeping me from getting close, but i was jumping up and down and banging my head and having a good time, i remember i wanted them to play malice through the looking glass, it was cool, everything was dark except for where they were playing in the front, there were lights flickering over them, and there was no stage, they were just playing up front, and then all of a sudden the music stopped and dani fell to his knees, everyone gathered around him and i went up to him and he was crying, only he was now a SHE, and i remember something about white spiked hair, i think he/she had white spiked hair, anyways, his shoulder was bleeding pretty bad and it looked like a guitar had hit him and sliced him up, and then everyone left him except for me, and i felt bad for him, i was gonna go up to him and console him but then he got on a cell phone and called somone up, and was crying on the phone and saying something like he/she was gonna die. other than that, i can't really remember anything else, it was quite weird though