to save myself some typing I'll just copy my FB post to here:
While this "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"-argument seems very valid at the first glance, it doesn't hold much of its value if you look a bit deeper.
don't get me wrong, I'm not even against guns, I just think that most of the typical arguments of the pro-gun people are a bit stupid, or at least not really thought through....
It's quite easy to test this argument by just having a look at how things work in Europe (where guns are illegal...well, or let's say the possession is highly regulated)...
"if guns are illegal, criminals will still have guns"...well, that's true to a degree...the russian mafia etc still have guns (I guess), but those aren't the ones involved in any shootings, they aren't even involved in any muggings, rapings, burglaries etc...not directly I mean.
So the (armed) criminal organisations are not a direct threat to any citizen.
there is an entirely different kind of criminal that IS a threat to the public though....rapists, burglars, thieves, muggers, coked out adrenaline junkies, small time drug dealers, people with poor education, low self esteem and mental issues...
Those people, although criminals, do not have guns in Germany (just using Germany as an example, cause I live here)....I do know people who have been robbed, mugged, got involved in fights etc, but I don't know a single person who ever got threatened with a gun during those occasions...or even had to fear that the criminal owned a gun..
Yes, those people are criminals, but they still don't own guns (which proves the initial argument wrong)...cause for criminals it's much more difficult to get a gun as well, and they don't even have the need to get one, cause since none of their victims has a gun, they don't need one either...being the aggressor puts them in the superior position already.
It really is like that, if you get into trouble with criminals over here, it won't be the organized bigtime crime (mafia etc), it'll be the dickhead in the streets trying to mug you, kinda the same guy that does those sort of things in the USA or anywhere else...but he won't have a gun (although he's a criminal, see above).
a very shallow and short sighted argument would now be "yes, but if I have a gun, I could defend myself against said mugger"...
let's think this scenario through...if the citizens were carrying firearms to defend themselves, being the aggressor wouldn't be enough for the mugger anymore, he'd have to start carrying guns as well, and he would....
so instead of having a good citizen and a dickhead, both without guns, we have the same situation, but with both people being armed...
now what does that mean?
well, let's move to the next big pro gun argument for that: "guns don't kill people, people kill people"...well, that's right, but who do you think is more likely to use that gun to kill a person?
you as a law abiding citizen with good morals, or the coked out crack head trying to mug you?
well, I can tell you, the person who'll shoot first will be the person with fewer scruples...and you can be pretty sure that that'll be the mugger.
"if guns are illegal, only the criminals will have guns" IS JUST NOT TRUE, at least not the ones that affect you directly.
Also not the ones that just have a brain fart, grab a pistol and shoot kids in a school.
Yes, the big organised criminal organisations are possessing guns...the person who'll break into your home or thinks about shooting kids in a school DOES NOT.
those shooters who're killing people in schools are the same kind of idiots that exist in every country, and I really don't think that the guns are the problem, those people are...
but those people usually don't "plan a crime" like the fucktard in Norway did, it's more often than not something short circuiting in their head, and it's much more likely that a brain fart like that results in deaths, if "guns are lying around everywhere for everyone to grab" (I know, I'm exaggerating).
Those shooters are usually not involved in the criminal scene, they are usually miserable outsiders with poor social structure, usually those people don't even have the contacts to even know where they could get a gun over here.
As I said, I'm not "contra gun", and there are problems either way, but "short circuit shootings" happen much less (if at all) in countries, where it's difficult or even impossible for those sicially isolated people to get a gun
Sorry for the long post, as I said, I'm not even against guns, I actually enjoy shooting, I'm fascinated with guns! I just can't hear the same stupid arguments anymore, that just show how closed minded and mentally limited some people are...and by showing that closed mindedness they're not really doing the pro-gun folks a favour.
The real problem is, that it's "too late" to change things that easily...
I strongly believe that I am right (well, I know I am) about the fact, that criminals over here don't own guns (the ones that affect me directly I mean, see rant above)...
BUT "if guns were illegal" can really be just a hypothetical discussion, cause making guns illegal in the USA will clearly not revert the (criminal) society back to the state it's in over here.
Making guns illegal NOW would indeed lead to an imbalance of gun favour of the criminals.
so I do get your point, "making them illegal" is not a solution, definitely not an easy one....
is "everyone needs to buy more guns to defend themselves" a solution? defenitely not either..
do I have a solution? no
I was just trying to disarm (
) that "if guns were illegal"- argument a little, or at least supply an outside point of view