Elitist music?

No one has mentioned Classic Rock elitists yet.

Never really looked at it that way, but I knew this older fellow who gave props to nothing but classic rock, even though he had a pretty damn good general knowledge of thrash/death/ect metal along with some other stuff. He just always compared shit to that fucking classic songwriting shit. Got on my nerves to say the least.
The gameFAQs rock board has exposed me to FAR more classic rock elitists than I needed to ever experience.
I'm no fan of Classical elitists. To me there's no fundamental difference between Metallica, Mozart, and Michael Bolton. Musical relativism... yeah, that's me. No cultural hierarchy for me. I have my own opinions about what's good and what's best, but it's all based on personal feelings. Music is subjective.

As for the real topic of the thread... I guess I would describe musical elitists as people who attack not just the music itself, but the legitimacy of its fans. Hate anything you want, but if you think liking My Chemical Romance makes someone gay or stupid then you're an elitist.

P.S. I think it's really funny how people talk to me about extreme metal not being music. "That screaming stuff, that's not even music." Bahahaha... it's so funny because to me metal is the most musical genre. I never even looked at music from a musical standpoint until metal showed me how deep it could be. But everyone percieves things differently... I don't relate but I can imagine how someone might consider pop vocalizing and octave range to be the measure of musicality.
brushed over the thread (I agree about razoredge and classic rock elitists, :lol:)

I would say that metal is pretty fucking elitist. Very few people can get into it, particularly extreme metal. even if people can get into the music, the vocals are an added level of inaccesibility. Also, in order the find the best stuff you have to dig very deep due to the obscurity of these bands who's material is extremely difficult to find (which doesn't stop people, especially certain members of this board, from declaring them essential and anyone not familiar with them a faggot). Also, the illegibility of the logos makes shopping difficult - you really need to know the bands before you can find what you want. The edgy, often grotesque and offensive imagery and idealogy of metal bands also makes it incredibly difficult to get into. And yet many metalheads look down on people who aren't into metal, or who only listen to the mainstream bands who's releases are possible to find and who's message can in good conscience be endorsed.

But, yeah, your post is mostly true, but... It's all part of what makes metal AWESOME BEYOND AWESOME TIMES INFINITY TIMES ETERNITY!!
true. I'm not criticizing it. I'll admit that I get a kick out of being into something most people could never understand. As long as you keep in mind that that's not because you're a superior human being but simply because they don't like listening to grown men imitate frogs, it's all good.
Today I had a conversation with one of my co-workers, who considers himself an elitist of industrial music. We both criticized each other for being elitists, but I concluded that those into underground music genres often take offense when someone uses a handful of crap mainstream bands to represent an entire genre that often sounds very different from those bands. That, and the fact that both metal and industrial are so diverse that three bands aren't enough to demonstrate such variation.

Therefore I think some elitism is justified, not to assert any superiority, but to create a better image of a certain genre than what is exposed to a mainstream audience.
I don't know about elitism creating better image...it makes metalheads look like snarling, obnoxious assholes in repulsive shirts.
Well, I suppose, in the sense that the music is inaccessible to many, I can see how you can call metal elitist, but it's not like it makes you superior to others for understanding its appeal.
It seems, however, that there are many people who deem themselves superior for listening to metal, perhaps in an attempt to compensate for their inferiority complex.
P.S. I think it's really funny how people talk to me about extreme metal not being music. "That screaming stuff, that's not even music." Bahahaha... it's so funny because to me metal is the most musical genre. I never even looked at music from a musical standpoint until metal showed me how deep it could be. But everyone percieves things differently... I don't relate but I can imagine how someone might consider pop vocalizing and octave range to be the measure of musicality.

I know exactly what you mean. I mean, you can listen to Beethoven and after a minute say "wow, this is beautiful, surely a masterpiece", you could also listen to Hammer Smashed Face and say it's a fucking masterpiece too, because it is, just in a different sense. People who look down upon metal most of the time say that their music is superior and is more beautiful or more musical etc, but what they don't realize is that music, which is good, which is bad, is not defined by popular culture, it is one individuals one world where he can choose to explore whichever musical genre he chooses, and people, in return, should fuck off.

As for the real topic of the thread... I guess I would describe musical elitists as people who attack not just the music itself, but the legitimacy of its fans. Hate anything you want, but if you think liking My Chemical Romance makes someone gay or stupid then you're an elitist.

In my opinion, "emo" is a hugely biased term, for example. You could say a person is emo, or emotional for liking My Chemical Romance, but what does emotional mean? Does that mean one with emotion? Every types of music has emotion, Metal music has often strong raging positive emotions, where your sitting there listening to metal and you're headbanging and you just feel this surge of power, I would call that positive energy, in a negative way, kinda. So, back to emo, in this case, you could call anyone emo.

Just my 2 cents.
Just my 2 cents.

But that's just taking a term and looking too deep into the meaning.
Emo has become simply a label for shit mainstream bands that dress funny. I don't die when I listen to death metal, despite death meaning to die. I don't see Immortal filled with black guys but they somehow manage to still be black metal.
Emo is just a term that has been popular to use as a tarring brush across anything that in their eyes is crappy and whiny. The whole "emo" discussion has been had many a time on this forum, and usually results in a couple of myspace links to those late 80's punk bands who played real 'emo'.
But that's just taking a term and looking too deep into the meaning.
Emo has become simply a label for shit mainstream bands that dress funny. I don't die when I listen to death metal, despite death meaning to die. I don't see Immortal filled with black guys but someone managing to be black metal.
Emo is just a term that has been popular to use as a tarring brush across anything that in their eyes is crappy and whiny. The whole "emo" discussion has been had many a time on this forum, and usually results in a couple of myspace links to those late 80's punk bands who played real 'emo'.

You speak wise words when you are not drunk my friend.
But that's just taking a term and looking too deep into the meaning.
Emo has become simply a label for shit mainstream bands that dress funny. I don't die when I listen to death metal, despite death meaning to die. I don't see Immortal filled with black guys but they somehow manage to still be black metal.
Emo is just a term that has been popular to use as a tarring brush across anything that in their eyes is crappy and whiny. The whole "emo" discussion has been had many a time on this forum, and usually results in a couple of myspace links to those late 80's punk bands who played real 'emo'.

Rites of Spring, Embrace, Grey Matter, etc.
The genres and music themselves aren't elitist, only the musicians

That is my two cents. However, musical factors (obscurity, virtuosity, technicality, limited release, etc) sets the stage for elitism in genres such as metal, prog, classical, jazz maybe
But that's just taking a term and looking too deep into the meaning.
Emo has become simply a label for shit mainstream bands that dress funny. I don't die when I listen to death metal, despite death meaning to die. I don't see Immortal filled with black guys but they somehow manage to still be black metal.
Emo is just a term that has been popular to use as a tarring brush across anything that in their eyes is crappy and whiny. The whole "emo" discussion has been had many a time on this forum, and usually results in a couple of myspace links to those late 80's punk bands who played real 'emo'.

The original emo bands were actually quite good. Emo music now refers to mainstream "goth-pop" bands that play music that is accessible while trying to seem edgy, dangerous, and inaccessible. Emo kids are teenagers who, regardless of whatever emotions are inside, act really dramatic about their emotions, wear a lot of black, dye their hair, etc, and try to seem sketchy. In my experience they are universally white middle class kids.
Buncha fucking faggots if you ask me.