Emo is...

Jul 21, 2003
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Someone heard me bitching about emo kids, and they asked me to define "emo." So I made a little list...

Emo is...

1.) ...just like steroids; your balls shrink and you soon become unfit for human companionship. Of course, instead of getting ripped, you just get a really gay haircut.

2.) ...the social, artistic and intellectual equivalent of prostitution, only without the part where you get laid.

3.) ...what happens when stupidity and sexual frustration collide, but you're still too big a pussy to just go rape some bitch.

4.) ...the stench of pube sweat mixed with the unmistakable odor of Hot Topic.

5.) ...what happens when hippies think you're pretentious and goths think you're a total fag.

6.) ...a musical form distinguishable from every other modern rock travesty only by a lack of masculinity so severe that it makes Radiohead look like Motorhead.

7.) ...just like Indie, only for kids who lack the motivation and the wheels to drive over to the dingy little record store that creepy old guy owns.

8.) ...the diabolical invention of a balding gay A&R rep who couldn't find any other way to score a BJ.

9.) ...rather like a Guidance Counselor's day set to music.

10.) ...basically for people who think "This is what being an adult feels like" when they're busy not impressing chicks at Starbucks.

As overdone as emo bashing is, I have to admit I laughed :)
paddy says leave the EMO KIDS alone them ok I see a big gang of them today and tell them what good metal bands there were . They love paddys motor bikes and 2 of the girls give paddy a :oops: big kiss:oops: :kickass: :Smokin:
I think I will wait for Spectacular Views to show up and make this thread into a real emo whine fest.
metal paddy said:
paddy says leave the EMO KIDS alone them ok I see a big gang of them today and tell them what good metal bands there were . They love paddys motor bikes and 2 of the girls give paddy a :oops: big kiss:oops: :kickass: :Smokin:
:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Elaborate me then. Maybe Fughazi might be considered emo and that is
tolerable but shit like Armor For Sheep, Evergreen Terrace, Aiden, and Atreyu you can fuckin' keep the hell with all that scenecore garbage i thought it was about the music and not how
cool you look in thrift store shirts, Girlsjeans and combovers.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Someone heard me bitching about emo kids, and they asked me to define "emo." So I made a little list...

Emo is...

1.) ...just like steroids; your balls shrink and you soon become unfit for human companionship. Of course, instead of getting ripped, you just get a really gay haircut.

2.) ...the social, artistic and intellectual equivalent of prostitution, only without the part where you get laid.

3.) ...what happens when stupidity and sexual frustration collide, but you're still too big a pussy to just go rape some bitch.

4.) ...the stench of pube sweat mixed with the unmistakable odor of Hot Topic.

5.) ...what happens when hippies think you're pretentious and goths think you're a total fag.

6.) ...a musical form distinguishable from every other modern rock travesty only by a lack of masculinity so severe that it makes Radiohead look like Motorhead.

7.) ...just like Indie, only for kids who lack the motivation and the wheels to drive over to the dingy little record store that creepy old guy owns.

8.) ...the diabolical invention of a balding gay A&R rep who couldn't find any other way to score a BJ.

9.) ...rather like a Guidance Counselor's day set to music.

10.) ...basically for people who think "This is what being an adult feels like" when they're busy not impressing chicks at Starbucks.

What a waste of time... Even to make fun of Emo kids. Oh and real men don't rape. Asshole. Only men who are either mentally challenged or have serious inferiority issues rape.