everybody from london ok?

fhare said:
Is there? Show me the outrage in the Muslim community over innocents being killed then. I actually know of a few examples here in the USA and in the UK, but by and large there is deafining silence.

I hope you're not serious. I work with some Muslims and they are outraged by this. There were articles written by English Muslims posted all over the internet over the past few days expressing sadness and condemning the attacks. Here is just one example of many:

Please know what you are talking about before participating in conversations with uninformed, ignorant comments.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
You mistake me. I think the people who commit these atrocities are beyond 'apologizing' for - they are murderers, thugs, and psychotics, killing innocent people for a twisted mixture of belief, politics, hatred and good old fashioned bloodlust....

So, tell me, what are the legitimate grievences that justify the 45 dead on 7/7 and the 3000 dead on 9/11? Anyway...

I have a lot of problems with Islam, I have a lot of problems with Christianity too, but I have been able to restrain myself from killing thousands because of it. I think you think I'm saying that, because these (and I know Im assuming her, forgive me) crimes were commited by people of Muslim faith, I think Muslims are the enemy. This is not the case, I do not think that. What I do think is that these people are USING the Muslim faith as both shield, sword, and crutch. The fact that the Muslim community is not outraged over this (and they arn't, by and large) is a testement of how well these people play their manipulation cards.
Jon Snow said:
I hope you're not serious. I work with some Muslims and they are outraged by this. There were articles written by English Muslims posted all over the internet over the past few days expressing sadness and condemning the attacks. Here is just one example of many:

Please know what you are talking about before participating in conversations with uninformed, ignorant comments.

I did say there are a few examples, but they are only a very very few, and often directly contradicted by supporters from other Muslim sects.

Where are the public protests of people in the Muslim world to stop the violence? One Palestinian gets shot and 50K people crowd a square for days mourning. 50 people killed and 700 wounded and there is relative silence.
Looking for a Job said:
lol, you tried to be funny by mocking his attempt at humor, and i find that funny LOL! in fact, it's so funny, I'M DOING THE SAME THING TO YOU LMAOZ

heh, I wouldn't want your medical bills from gettin the shit beat out of you for being a wise ass, but you are a funny man online... :)
fhare said:
I did say there are a few examples, but they are only a very very few, and often directly contradicted by supporters from other Muslim sects.

That's usually what different sects of a religion do, contradict eachother.

And there are more than just a few examples. Turn your TV to CNN right now.
Jon Snow said:
That's usually what different sects of a religion do, contradict eachother.

And there are more than just a few examples.

There are a billion + muslims in the world. The response you speak of is from a pitifully small minority, mostly from western countries. Are you trying to sugget the global Muslim community has fulfilled it's obligation with regards to stemming terrorsim? They havn't even all agreed it IS terrorism. Go walk down a street in Islamabad with a picture of Osama on your shirt and people will kiss your cheek and hail you as a friend. We need to hold people accountable for their actions and their inactions.
Forest of Åsatrú said:
^ HAHA i like that one. Ha ha. You're funny. Mr. Funny man. God, you're so funny. I can't get over how funny you are. If funny was a state, you'd be the capital, and I'd live in you! I just can't believe it Mr. Cracking Funny Jokes. I love it....No, seriously, good joke, gave me a laugh.......funny man.

fhare said:
There are a billion + muslims in the world. The response you speak of is from a pitifully small minority, mostly from western countries. Are you trying to sugget the global Muslim community has fulfilled it's obligation with regards to stemming terrorsim? They havn't even all agreed it IS terrorism. Go walk down a street in Islamabad with a picture of Osama on your shirt and people will kiss your cheek and hail you as a friend. We need to hold people accountable for their actions and their inactions.

What do you suggest we do?
I'm curious to know how Americans and their supporters can justify their use of bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet label it "terrorism" when they get some of their own medicine back. is it not terrorism to carpet bomb a city under the guise of a "war on terror"? Face it kids, you're only upset about this one because it's so close to home and because it's getting mass media coverage.
^ I can agree with that to an extent, but I don't think you can put the act of attacking an insurgent area and accidentally killing a bunch of civilians alongside an attack that aims to kill nothing but civilians.
Obviously neither are acceptable and I can't stand what the US is doing either, but do you really think they go there and purposely bomb civilian targets?
fhare said:
So, tell me, what are the legitimate grievences that justify the 45 dead on 7/7 and the 3000 dead on 9/11? Anyway...

Do you have any idea how many people died as a direct result of sanctions on Iraq? What about the US-sponsored assasination of Iran's democratically elected president? Israel? Lebanon? The Suez Canal? How about the willingness by the West to support anyone friendly to their own aims, regardless of the local population, including arming those same dictators, murderers and gunmen who are now causing such problems? Im just going to take a wild stab in the dark here and guess that you dont know shit about any middle eastern history. Again, I don't count those as 'justification', but again, learn some history first.

I have a lot of problems with Islam, I have a lot of problems with Christianity too, but I have been able to restrain myself from killing thousands because of it. I think you think I'm saying that, because these (and I know Im assuming here, forgive me) crimes were commited by people of Muslim faith, I think Muslims are the enemy. This is not the case, I do not think that. What I do think is that these people are USING the Muslim faith as both shield, sword, and crutch. The fact that the Muslim community is not outraged over this (and they arn't, by and large) is a testement of how well these people play their manipulation cards.

1) Many in the Muslim community have been outraged, and still continue to be, but with a quick scan through many replies here it is difficult to see why they should be.
2) We do the same thing over here, using religion to justify what we want. Look at virtually any Bush speach.
3) Not every Muslim goes into a religious kill-frenzy upon sight of a Westerner. In fact, there still seems to be a fair few of each side, so I think its fair to say that most dont. So why is it so special that you dont go around killing Muslims/Christians?

We need to hold people accountable for their actions and their inactions.

Hahahah though only when it suits, right? Shit, whatever happened with ENRON in the US? Who was held accountable for not intervening in Rwanda with the massacre of the Hutus (One million deaths in 100 days. Did you even know about this?)? Saddam even been prosecuted? Anything happening with those "POWs" on your little corner of Cuba? What about when your boys bombed that wedding in Afghanistan? Didn't some 500 people die there? Or was that the civilian shelter in Baghdad? Btw, I LOVE how you even managed to attack the hotel where Western reporters were filming from (go see Control Room - great film), despite them radioing their position to Coalition forces. But yeah, screw holding anyone accountable...that was war! You only have the best equipped forces in the world..."collateral damage", eh? Just like back in the first Gulf War....
Forest of Åsatrú said:
Listen, if we want to sit here and name all the mistakes in these holy books we'll be here for a long damn time because, they were written by men and men make mistakes. Christianity and Islam are branches from the thick, and flawed bough of Judaism. The fact that each book contradicts itself and each other so much is more that evident that there is no true religion other than thought. Nd I think Opeth is great. I think Marijuana is great. I think brotherhood is great. And I think Spongebob Squarepants is an asshole.

Jesus christ, i can't believe you just said that! Spongebob Squarepants Rules!
I think I'm going to join this interesting, yet completely pointless (and probably mainly incorrect, not all the posts mind) thread, I'm bored and drunk and feel like ranting. First off, a bit late for this, but wherever I can say it I will, my condolences to all the people harmed (physically or mentally) by the london blasts, I got friends and family there, luckily they aren't hurt. Those affected by any tragedy like this will know the fear of not knowing whether loved ones are ok, or worse losing loved ones.
Basically, my opinion is that any military or religious force who feel killing innocent people is valid because of the purpose they intend to serve (the war on terrorism, al qaeda, and probably many others I'm not aware of) is f**king evil. I'm not a religious person but these individuals will get what they deserve in the afterlife if there is any justice in this world and beyond.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth will never work, it will only beget more death.

To end my rant, can anyone tell me why one of the most powerful and rich nations in the world (usa) is being lead by a retard? Youi're obviously the wrong people to ask but seeing as some of you seem to know so much about american/middle eastern politics, maybe you can answer my question.

Oh, and Opeth are legends, i plan to post about them soon.