everybody from london ok?

I semi agree with the statement above ... Organised religion has caused more deaths (through various means) than disease, famine and othjer natural causes than anything else ... so much blood shed for a so called 'all forgiving, all loveing god' or whatever

However that is just MY opinon ... members of my family are very religious and I would not try to convince them that my thoughts are the correct ones... they find safety and love in thier religion ... but they dont go out and kill for it. no Jihads here .. only on my Team America DVD.... hmmm

a line from a local bands track .. Fuck Bush, Fuck your lies, Your the terrorist that I despise....
Forest of Åsatrú said:
Quran, 5.51: O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Quran, 9.5: So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush,then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them;surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

What peace is that?
Reguardless of if that is a correct passage of the Quran, it has been widely known that the Quran is NOT open for translation. Obviously when something is translated certian words and saying must be altered and thus changes the statement in question.

The poeple doing the killing are not playing the "historical context" game, they are still fighting the zionists crusaders and taking the Quran literally. You can take your context and stuff it up your arse, because it means nothing to the wives, parents, and babies of the innocents killed.

STOP being an islamo-fascist apologist!
STOP being an islamo-fascist apologist!

>> well, i don't think he defends the 'terrorist' but he makes valid points about islam as such.
i don't the quran is more violent than the bible generally...
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
STOP being an islamo-fascist apologist!

>> well, i don't think he defends the 'terrorist' but he makes valid points about islam as such.
i don't the quran is more violent than the bible generally...

I beleive him when he says he thinks they're murderers, and that's good. But this mincing of words shit has got to stop. They could be using Encyclopedia Britanica as their reference material for all I care, the fact is these people are mass murderers and given the opportunity would kill you, me, my daughter, my son, my wife, and everyone I care about, if they could. This is not acceptable, regardless of context, religous persuasion, or closeness to god.
fhare said:
I beleive him when he says he thinks they're murderers, and that's good. But this mincing of words shit has got to stop. They could be using Encyclopedia Britanica as their reference material for all I care, the fact is these people are mass murderers and given the opportunity would kill you, me, my daughter, my son, my wife, and everyone I care about, if they could. This is not acceptable, regardless of context, religous persuasion, or closeness to god.

i agree. but there's a differece between a radical and a random standard mulsim...
fhare said:
The people doing the killing are not playing the "historical context" game, they are still fighting the zionists crusaders and taking the Quran literally. You can take your context and stuff it up your arse, because it means nothing to the wives, parents, and babies of the innocents killed.

STOP being an islamo-fascist apologist!

You mistake me. I think the people who commit these atrocities are beyond 'apologizing' for - they are murderers, thugs, and psychotics, killing innocent people for a twisted mixture of belief, politics, hatred and good old fashioned bloodlust.

Yet I think anyone who therefore assumes that all Muslims are like that is pretty messed up in the head. That would be like me turning on the news, hearing about mass murderers in the US, then assuming all Americans are like that.

I much prefer to try understand what turns people into these psychotics - and if you think that "islam is violent" is the only reason that these events happen, then you better be prepared for them to continue, because that attitude doesn't change shit. There ARE legitimate grievances, continuing ones at that, and if you wanna ignore history, then you will never understand why the West continues to be hated, and why Islam continues to grow so rapidly.
I believe we've all transcended the religious boundary and agreed that organized religion is redundant and the main reason pathos has been replaced with prejudice. Down with diety, up with HUMANITY :rock:
Forest of Åsatrú said:
I believe we've all transcended the religious boundary and agreed that organized religion is redundant and the main reason pathos has been replaced with prejudice. Down with diety, up with HUMANITY :rock:

Heh, few billion people on the planet that might disagree with you there....
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
i agree. but there's a differece between a radical and a random standard mulsim...

Is there? Show me the outrage in the Muslim community over innocents being killed then. I actually know of a few examples here in the USA and in the UK, but by and large there is deafining silence.
Tell me this. Why is it all religions (with a diety) tell you to humble yourself before the god(s)? Why do all religions believe that humanity is shit? I for one think taht religion is the reason humanity is shit. If all we had we the lives we live, there would be no war. There would be no terrorism. There would be mass orgies and junkies everywhere....but other than that, I'd like a godless savage garden. :)
Looking for a Job said:
a few billion people are wrong. lol @ anyone who actually believes in a god. grow up

You will never understand, god is within us all. He may not be a man with a white beard, but he is the energy which gives everything life. LMAO JK JK
^ HAHA i like that one. Ha ha. You're funny. Mr. Funny man. God, you're so funny. I can't get over how funny you are. If funny was a state, you'd be the capital, and I'd live in you! I just can't believe it Mr. Cracking Funny Jokes. I love it....No, seriously, good joke, gave me a laugh.......funny man.