Farewell/Adios etc. etc.

AjDeath said:
Man, UM is such a gay hole nowadays.

Someone getting banned because some chick is ugly and she can't take it is fucking queer.

You know, I started to reply to this explaining it more to you until I realized...some people will just never "get it". Back to my gay hole headquaters.
RjBeals said:


Weren't we in 2005 already?
AnTz0r said:
Moonlapse is 18 years old. Quite a decent guitarist for his age, I'd say :Spin:

Are you really asking why you can't insult people?

Because of fucking HUMAN DECENCY, that's why. Would you insult someone in the face in real life? No of course not, it's just not polite.

Besides all that, there is really no good reason for it. Insulting someone for a reason is one thing, but insulting them because you are on a internet forum and you want to be cool is just plain stupid. If you would meet Mikael + Anna on a show, you would shit in your pants instead of insulting them...

About the people who claim "it's a joke": that is YOUR interpretation. But that's not the point. You see, there are 6 billion people on this world, and they all have a difference taste in humour. Now, if you'd make a joke on, for example, a good friend of yours, is very different from making a joke on someone who you don't even know. And a bad joke even, one that the average person might find offending...

All you need to do before you hid the post button is to check to see if you are (unintentionally) insulting soming...

Sorry, i think you have misunderstood me. Im not saying its ok to insult someone like that, im just saying that when someone DOES insult someone else (maybe for good reason, maybe they dont like the other person, whatever reason), then the other person seems to think they have a right for any comments to be removed, people to be banned, public apologies to be made etc. It pisses me off.

It happens a lot in america where someone gets insulted and ends up sueing for some stupid reason.

Watch Penn & Teller - Bullshit, Series 3 Episode 6, 'College'.
I absolutely hate it when people insult eachother on the internet. People have called me slut, whore and all those degrading names on the internet. I'm not a big person but if somebody said that straight to my face I would definitely stomp their head to the fucking floor.
That really sucks that Moonlapse is leaving, as ive always enjoyed reading what he has to say, and while probably too lenient, hes never felt oppressive in his moderating. Hes one of us here, and one of the core people of the board at that. I dont know what communication hes had with opeth.com, but i think that a firm warning and some explanation on what he is obligated to get rid of on the forum is a much better step than seeing him go.

You'll be missed man.

..and as to Gunhaver/Jobless, you seriously dont know when to shut the hell up, and unless you learn where the line is, you deserve to be banned. Frankly i dont care if you posted that about Mike's wife (Anna) as a joke - thats blatantly insulting. And i dont even hate you; you're a laugh and often make the board interesting. But you also seem to have no self control, not to mention often flaming without reason.
FECK THIS....!!!!!!........moonlapse was a cool duder....!!!!!....i have no idea whats up with lettin him go....man.....i wish ud stay...urea cool cat.....we'd surely miss a soudn mind around here.....!!!!..............either way Keep rockin my brother from another mother.....!!!!!.........PEAC EOUT
Looking for a Job said:
oh please, it wasn't that insulting at all. it was like a 1930's vaudeville joke, nothing that bad about it at all. grow up

This is my point; you dont seem to know whats ok to 'joke' about, and what not to sometimes. A joke like that is off-limits, no matter how much attention you want. This isn't your forum. It is for Opeth, by Opeth.

ps. Where does Mr Samsara stand in all this?
Looking for a Job said:
nah, i find it weak to be offended by comments at all, let alone ones that are intended as jokes. it's really a lame attempt to get attention to whine about "insults"

It is WEAK to be offended??

Man, what planet are you from?

I say again, dare to say the same things you say here to someone's face. I can tell you in advance, people WILL take offence, and that is completely normal.

People think, when they are on the internet they can suddenly say or do anything. It is just stupid.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Where does Mr Samsara stand in all this?

i contacted him earlier today and he said that nobody informed him and has no clue what's going on. i gues he pm'ed moonlapse and opeth.com to clarify the situation. he probably has not gotten answer yet since he promised me to inform me about news and didnt write me a pm yet.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
ps. Where does Mr Samsara stand in all this?

First, thanks for not forgetting that I exist.

Second, I haven't had correspondence with Moonlapse today and in fact learned about this situation from reading this thread. Chatted with MetalAges a bit but not with Opeth.com nor Moonie.... so... I have kept my mouth shut and am waiting for some "Official" word. Who knows.. I may be next, although I hope not...

More will follow from me once I get everything sorted out.

Is Moonie at least going to stay on as a regular member? He had more input and intelligent things to say than half of the board's members combined.
Hey guys,
I will say that I think the powers that be in the Opeth camp realize now that Moonie is a good dude and hopefully he will be able to stay on as mod. I'm not quite sure what led to the misunderstanding so let's just hope he gets the thumbs up (in thanks to a lot of you guys here and vouching for him). It was all probably an honest misunderstanding somewhere along the line.
MetalAges said:
Hey guys,
I will say that I think the powers that be in the Opeth camp realize now that Moonie is a good dude and hopefully he will be able to stay on as mod. I'm not quite sure what led to the misunderstanding so let's just hope he gets the thumbs up (in thanks to a lot of you guys here and vouching for him). It was all probably an honest misunderstanding somewhere along the line.

I hope so. i haven't noticed such a strong 'community-feeling' here since ages.
in fact we all want an enjoyable forum and i think it is quite obvious now that firing moonlapse isnt going to make the situation any better...