Favorite drink?!

neal said:
captain morgan + anything, and white russian are usually the only things i make for myself, at a bar ill get tons of different shit....as for the vodka debate, absolut vannila on sale is the best 'quality for your dollar' deal ever. ive had stoli, kettel one, grey goose, etc. and didnt think they were really worth the difference in price.
Grey Goose is deffinitely worth the money.

I am a whiskey drinker, Beam, Daniels, Maker's Mark.

For beer, anything dark. Blue Moon. Pete's Wicked. and some pale ales. Not IPA.

Drinks at a bar-Long Island Icedtea's.

Other than that, Gatorade.
J the TyranT said:
This from a guy who drinks fucking Wild Turkey? Please... try again. It's good for the PRICE, I said... meaning, the same range as Absolut, Finlandia and Skyy... think it over, and anyways, the 100 proof is better.
Sorry maybe its just around here. Most people I know wont drink Stoli's even if they were handed a bottle.
Well yea I meant like "some guy walked into a liquor store, bought a bottle of Stoli's, decided to quit drinking at that exact moment, so he handed me the bottle" type of situation.
Used to be Jack Daniels

I always liked dry wine, with dinner or without.

vodka with anything!

and of course, my personal favorite.... and will forever be, moonshine
metalskater7 said:
i haven't tryed to much, bailey's+kulouhas(sp) or morgan's atm
hell yeah! Baileys with Kahlua (sp) is one of the best damn things I've ever had.... Mudslides, mmmmmmmm..... five more months or so until I can buy liquor for myself... until then, it's time to send out my girlfriend..

*slaps her on the ass* get me some alcahol bitch!

she only will if I pay and I share, shit..
wow..fav drink... where should I begin?

I love Jameson, and Jack Daniel's (yeah Jack is cheap, but hey its great)

LOVE vodka: my regular vodka is either Smirnoff or Absolute, but I love grey goose (i havent bought that one in a while... i might do it soon hmmmm)
and if i'm hanging out with my friends from Belgium then we all drink Finlandia
(long story... but thats the only vodka we'll drink together)
quit good

I love good quality beers: NEVER BUD or BUD LITE or anything with the word: "light" on the lable shall enter my mouth.
Hoegaarden, Duvel, Stella Artois, Sam Adam's, Sierra Nevada, Flying Dog, leffe Tripple..
and so on..

LOVE jager! \m/

LOVE Absinth (*winks at Tee*)

and i absolutely love dry red wine.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I love apple martini or cosmo when I feel extra girlie,

when it comes to brandy: the best ive ever had is: Cardinal Mendoza
kick ass spanish brandy!!! recomanded!

ok, i can go on about what I love to drink forever....
because I love to drink period! hah! :D
I'm a whiskey and rum drinker. Jack Daniel's and 151 are the standards but the general rule is the higher the proof the better. Southern Comfort and Goldshlager are good too.

Beer is of course a necessity.
You dont see the difference to reflect the price? NEWB! No way, it's the difference between a Mustang and a Ferrari... both "performance cars"...

I cant believe so many people drink Smirnoff and JD and the like... just cause its popular... there are racks and racks and racks of shit out there... I dont see how people would drink some shit over another... but, ANYHOW.

Im glad the gothies didnt start debating fucking cognac...

And I call an immediate bullshit to the "cool chick" who said moonshine. Get TF out of here. How many times have you had access? Try everclear, its more believeable.

I had some moonshine once when I was out in Roswell, hanging out with Bigfoot, debating the reality of the Loch Ness monster, while waving at passing UFO's once, myself...

I cant remember the name of that WICKED polish vodka shit, that's mildly hallucinagenic... (sp... ugh)... Kurakowa or something...
uh... no one said moonshine....

and there is nothing wrong with Smirnoff. its a good vodka IMO. affordable, and does the job of keeping me happy when I drink. and no, don't try to explain to me there "tones of shit out there" you're not the only person who goes to liquer stores (and no, not ABC ones) and knows those things. I know there a lot of good shit out there, and I buy the good shit too... mmmK?

lets have a drink one day, it'd be fun :D