Favourite track(s) of Blood Alliance

Wasn't sure about it at first, but it quickly emerged to be my favourite - Better Days. I don't know why, I just love the chorus and the catchiness, and well, everything about it. :lol:

That leads the field by a distance, I must admit, but it's followed by Rising Anew / Survive / CtN. They're also great tracks.
I can't pick an out and out favourite, although in terms of a brilliant song epitomising most of the aspects that make Power Quest so enjoyable, 'Survive' comes the closest.

Other than that, the intro of 'Battle Stations', 'Rising Anew', 'Glorious' and 'Better Days' are songs I particularly enjoy.

I feel that all the songs I've mentioned above should become staples of a live set when it comes to headlining setlists!
Better Days has always been one of my favorites, and I have to say that still tops the list for me. That pumping rhythm, that amazing synth sound (one of the best I've ever heard, honestly), the infectious vocal lines throughout the whole song, it's totally a feel-good, rock-to-the-rhythm song and I can't get enough of it. One thing I like about it concerning the instrumentation is that the instruments do not back off once the vocals come in - they continue doing what they do, which is something I noticed is missing in a lot of songs. Like, once the verse starts, the instruments will back off until the bridge/chorus, but I just love that the keyboards and guitars continue driving the song behind the vocals. Not sure if anybody understands what I'm blabbering about, it's just a small thing I noticed that I enjoy!

Right behind that is Time to Burn. The chorus is really infectious as well and I just love the sound of it. Steve really hit the mark with some of the progressions on this album. Crunching the Numbers comes right behind that one, and about all the others come after that. They're all class songs though.
My favorite four are Crunching the Numbers, Better Days, Battle Stations and Rising Anew. If I'd have to pick one from those I think I'd go with Better Days, for it's catchiness, as well.
Kind of funny, when anyone is telling their favorite song of BA they always end up naming half of the songs on the album:lol:

Ohh and i forgot...my favorites on the album are Crunching the numbers, it got an amazing, epic and odd intro(in a good way of course). As well as an epic scream as well as cool lyrics, they are something new;) And close second is Sacrifice, that song is so so catchy!
I hope to hear more of those CTN screams on the next album. Yes, I'm already bringing that up :lol:
Ever since I got my copy back in early January it has literally been playing constantly off and on when I have a chance. I love every single track on this album, there is not one song that I do not like. :)
I can't pick an out and out favourite, although in terms of a brilliant song epitomising most of the aspects that make Power Quest so enjoyable, 'Survive' comes the closest.

Other than that, the intro of 'Battle Stations', 'Rising Anew', 'Glorious' and 'Better Days' are songs I particularly enjoy.

I feel that all the songs I've mentioned above should become staples of a live set when it comes to headlining setlists!

I'm glad there is someone that likes Glorious. Reviewers seem to be against that song for some odd reason. It's a brilliant song!
Probably because of the whole 'over rainbows and stars' thing but I think it goes with the song really well. It's a great tune, and I think gives a power metal sound to balance out the 80s rock sound of the rest of the album! Great mix of both styles on Blood Alliance.
I still have a hard time deciding what my best song of the album is. Rising Anew , Better Days ( i really like the intro ) and Survive those are high in my " oh i like it list" hehehe.
Good choices people!

Hearing Blood Alliance, I can honestly say it is one of the best albums I have heard in my life. It's difficult to pick favourites:

City Of Lies
Blood Alliance

Are the three I'm listening to the most at the moment. This will change ;)
Good choices people!

Hearing Blood Alliance, I can honestly say it is one of the best albums I have heard in my life. It's difficult to pick favourites:

City Of Lies
Blood Alliance

Are the three I'm listening to the most at the moment. This will change ;)

Yea I can agree on that one!

Of all the aggressive albums i've ever heard no one combines power and aggressiveness(not sure if that's a word but y'know) with melody as well as BA. All the instruments flows perfectly with each other, if you know what i mean:)
Yea I can agree on that one!

Of all the aggressive albums i've ever heard no one combines power and aggressiveness(not sure if that's a word but y'know) with melody as well as BA. All the instruments flows perfectly with each other, if you know what i mean:)

I know exactly what you mean :) Power Quest have done me proud, especially Steve. He's worked his butt off to create such a stunning album. All hail Steve X
'There is not a single song on here that comes off as dull, nor is there really anything that can be qualified as an outright ballad, though this has not previously been the band’s Achilles heel.'

'Even amid a healthy supply of repetition heard on “Glorious” and the epic title song, the power of each individual section and note from either the instruments or Somapala’s pipes endures with utter ease.'

YESSSSSSS. FU Glorious reviewing haters. This guy knows what he's talking about! :D
Sacrifice has been growing on me. I've been on an 80s rock listening spree lately and this works great :D