
What kind of cake do you want? :D iPot is baking so let's tell him what :D
:lol: I'm bored again, which is not a good thing..
Does anybody has some badass pics of Teemu from Wintersun? I can't find any.. :waah:

Hm... some with the chocolate :lol:

Here, some pics for you:






(with Jari)
You can find it here:


Good day.


Oh yeah!!! :kickass: I totally forgot about this.
Who cares about the picture from 10 years ago? Who cares about the abs, when the guy had plastic surgery

The pic was a joke, you've seen it around here before right? I'm not the one usually posting it.

Either way, the two fags kissing look real grotty, they should try using shampoo some time.

I've seen the Northern Lights :) It's awesome and for my biggest surprise they weren't moving :lol: They are very pretty- it makes you think about how insignificant you are next to the nature :D I hope to see them here again.. Sure, it's almost spring but in Rovaniemi winter never leaves :lol: Tämä talvi on ikuinen (not sure if it's right, but I said it to a Finn today and he understood me :lol:)
RAKASTAN SINUA SUOMEA- here is sooo frikin awesome!! Fortunately, I'm staying 'til September :D :cool:
I've seen the Northern Lights :) It's awesome and for my biggest surprise they weren't moving :lol: They are very pretty- it makes you think about how insignificant you are next to the nature :D I hope to see them here again.. Sure, it's almost spring but in Rovaniemi winter never leaves :lol: Tämä talvi on ikuinen (not sure if it's right, but I said it to a Finn today and he understood me :lol:)
RAKASTAN SINUA SUOMEA- here is sooo frikin awesome!! Fortunately, I'm staying 'til September :D :cool:

Wait... You're in Finland? You lucky bastard! ;)