First death growls.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I got into an interesting discussion with my older bro. He and a friend were sitting around and talking, my bro was playing System of a Down and some nu-metal crap. I played Dark Tranquility's "Punish My Heaven". His first reaction was, "get that crappy 80's rock out of here" before the vocals kicked in, then it was "How can you listen to this crap." I convinsed him to seriously listen before making judgements and he did.

He said the instrumentals are very good and creative, but the vocals ruin it. A valid and understandable judgement. The vocals seem to be the only thing that keeps them from liking melo-death. He seemed amazed that I loved the vocals so much.

That interests me because at first I hated death vocals and refused to listen to anything with them. Then I discovered Tristania, a group who's songs I appreciated every aspect except the vocals. I had to force myself to listen to the music clear headed and without bias to realize how silly it was that I hated the vocals so much that I'd let it ruin the music. I grew to appreciate the vocals, I considered them normal for a time, and now I actually prefer death vocals to regular singing. I went and downloaded some songs that I absolutely hated with my previous point-of-view, and now they're some of my favorite songs.

So basically, at one point I had my bro's same perspective. Can anyone relate to this? Did you go through a "transition" with death vocals like I did, or did you like them from the begining?
hard to say but it is my personal opinion that the first growler was either Chuck from Death ( mantas back in the day ) or the sodom guy, but honestly chuck sounds more like growls
Definite transition.

Appreciating growling vocals is very difficult at first... like enjoying any radical form of music, or a new food, it is an acquired taste. I remember when I got into all this underground metal I hated growled vocals at first, for obvious 'newbie' reasons. But the more I listened to brilliant bands who used them (i.e. Opeth, old Anathema, Arcturus, Edge Of Sanity) the more I grew comfortable with them. Not to mention the lyrics upon which they used the growls were killer, and thus I began to mouth them along with the growls... and they slipped into my subconciousness.
Anathema's 'Serenades' really helped me get comfortable with growled vocals... the lyrics and music were just too awesome for me to say 'uum, this is growled!'
And then I realized how much I like death metal like Morbid Angel and Cryptopsy.. by then growled vocals were second nature.
Growled vocals evoke some kind of primitive yet deep spirituality...

It takes a while but anyone can get used to it...

And now I find myself trying to get used to Stephen O'Malley's writhing, blistering vocals on the new Khanate... s-i-c-k!!!
i guess im an odd ball, the first time i heard death vocals was Napalm Death - Harmony of Coruption. i feel in love instanly, i guess cause it was the first thing really different that i had ever heard that didnt fit my Soundgarden and Nirvana taste of music.
hmm.....what if Kurt Kobain sang with death vocals.........?
hard to say but it is my personal opinion that the first growler was either Chuck from Death ( mantas back in the day ) or the sodom guy, but honestly chuck sounds more like growls

Well, Quorthon back in 82 recorded the BAthory demo's. His PA blew out, but he had to use it, so it came out all raspy sounding. It got such a good response, that he went with trying to mimic that sound. I don't know if that counts as growling, but 'tis where the BM voice came from, anyhoo...
Before I found out about the thriving Scandinavian Metal scene,I listened to Fear Factory,Nailbomb and other similar bands...The vocals are not really Growls but as soon as I heard Meshuggah and Opeth I instantly liked the vocals..Before FF I listened to bands like Soundgarden..(Which was around 4-5 years ago.)
Originally posted by Belial
That interests me because at first I hated death vocals and refused to listen to anything with them. Then I discovered Tristania, a group who's songs I appreciated every aspect except the vocals. I had to force myself to listen to the music clear headed and without bias to realize how silly it was that I hated the vocals so much that I'd let it ruin the music. I grew to appreciate the vocals, I considered them normal for a time, and now I actually prefer death vocals to regular singing. I went and downloaded some songs that I absolutely hated with my previous point-of-view, and now they're some of my favorite songs.
This is me EXACTLY -- except with our beloved Opeth! Oh, the shame! :grin: (Well, I don't prefer death vocals, but I like them certainly as much as clean when done well.)

I'd been to many metal shows to see my friends' band, but I always rolled my eyes at the growls. I borrowed some Opeth CDs with the hope of being able to block out the growls and focus on the beautiful music...and well, the rest is history. ;) I was listening to Amorphis' Elegy around the same time, and I've come to love his death vocals too. But I still can't get my ears around the high-pitched screams, yuck.
Originally posted by Raven777
Anathema's 'Serenades' really helped me get comfortable with growled vocals... the lyrics and music were just too awesome for me to say 'uum, this is growled!'

Awesome. You know where my 'title' comes from:cool:
I had heard some Bathory from my brother as a kid (at 6-7) but my first real contact with growls was Kreator's 'Endless Pain' which I got when I was 8. I primarily bought the album because of its cool cover art, but as I got home and put the record on I just went: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Completely and utterly astonished by what I just had heard! I thought it sounded so damn grim and brutal. I listened to that album every day for the next few days/weeks and eventually growls became as obvious to me as clean vocals ever were. Nowadays (14 years later) I barely even notice if the vocals are growled or clean sung. Great vocals are great vocals to me. Growled or not...
At first I hated growling vocals. I only listened to stuff like Metallica and Iron Maiden. My older bro gave me a copy of Demanufacture by Fear Factory (not exactly growling, but similar) and I hated it, but then after about a year I listened to it again and found it okay. Now I like growling as much as normal singing.
I don't remember the exact order of events, but first I only listened to "normal" vox (Metallica, Anthrax, you name it) and I thought I would never get to like "death" vox. Then I saw Sepultura's "Dead Embryonic Cells" video and I liked it so much I bought their Arise album. Later on I got to know Death ("Leprosy") and that stayed in my walkman for months. Nowadays I'm still not a great death metal fan, but I can listen to all vox mostly, except that black metal screaming (which is a pity, because musically some black metal stuff is quite okay). I can listen to bands like Tristania and Empyrium without any trouble though :-)
Hearse: "Well growling is that kind of singing style, nobody can't possibly like in the first listen. It's kind of style that you first have to get used to, and only after that you can become fan of it.

No sir e bob! I'll only say this once. The very first death vocals I heard were from MAYH. I was immediately overwhelmed and astonished at how PLEASED I was. I wanted to CRY I was so happy with the way they sounded.

So there.... :p :grin:

"And she was swathed in sorrow, as if born within its mask."
any "death growling" type music until I took a chance with a band called Sentenced. I found their cd, Amok, at the CD Warehouse used for only 5.99 and figured, what the first I didn't really care for it, but it grew on me after awhile and I eventually went on and looked up other Sentence cds...of course, Amazon has a sales strategy that links you to other groups that Sentenced buyers listen to...that is how I ended up finding out about Opeth.

I will never be the same.
I agree, most people (including me) have to get accustomed to the growls, screams, or whatever... just like you have to get accustomed to "extreme" music like death metal or grindcore or black metal to perceive melodies and rhythms where other people only hear noise.
Appropos(?) death growling/metal

anyone heard of a band called Ten Masked Men
they take pop songs and turn them into death-stylee songs

i can expand on this if anyone's interested although i'm not sure anyone is