

Solens Krona
Jul 13, 2007
I wrote to Fission Guestbook but I didn't get any answer =(
So I write here...
Why calls Fission the band, Mr. V?
I already have asked to Benny an explanation but he said me you're the one that gave the name...!
I know Fission is nuclear stuff but I think could be very interesting to know from your own words because it's not so common name for a band!
Take care & hope to hear about your answer =D
I wrote to Fission Guestbook but I didn't get any answer =(
So I write here...
Why calls Fission the band, Mr. V?
I already have asked to Benny an explanation but he said me you're the one that gave the name...!
I know Fission is nuclear stuff but I think could be very interesting to know from your own words because it's not so common name for a band!
Take care & hope to hear about your answer =D

Fission is very violent and extraordinary process and we think that it was a good symbol for our music, aggressive but still with finesse if you know what I mean.

mr V
I am so sad to see that you didn't take care about my question, I just wanted an small answer because I thought it could be cool to talk with you about you since you're a big influence for me but now I became disappointed =(

well..sorry about that..I'm so busy all the time so I just try to pass by as soon as I can, composing music is something that is very high on my priority list..hope you understand. No, I haven't heard about that theorem, sound interesting though.

mr V
Did a quick wikipedia check on Bayes' Theorem, but I couldn't really see what would be so special about it. Seems it's "simply" a formula for calculating the probability for an event conditional to another event. While statistics, logic and math certainly are interesting, (and that I understood the basics of the formula made me feel smart, hehehe) there are thousands of other theorems and formula just as interesting.

Now, admittedly, I only skimmed through the article, so maybe I missed something. But would you not enlighten a layman about the special coolness of Bayes' Theorem? I mean, what is there to discuss about it? :)
I didn't understand your comment Naglfar :(
Was it a positive thing or complaint towards me?
Sorry if I write in this forum to ask about "weird stuff" to Vintersorg, but I really take care about his lyrics (and Musik of course), and here is the only way to get some answer about my sciences doubts from his shiny mind!

Haha... it was a very positive comment towards Mr.V. =) I'm an academic like he is, but I don't have any... say, extra curricular talents except my writing. I was lamenting that his, uh, animal magnetism is improved by his musical prowess.

Your English is fine. It's better than my non-existent Swedish, I assure you. ^_^ I certainly didn't complain, wanting to ask Mr.V about his music / lyrics in the -Vintersorg- forum seems to me a logical course of action.
Hehehe, ok Naglfar! :lol:
So I'm waiting for his answer :)
Hope to get it soon!
At least someday :rolleyes:

I think you might not get an answer because he thinks he already has answered it and what you want is a discussion, and Mr.V is a busy bee!

I don't know too much about philosphy, but I remember reading Descartes and he had his own mathematical proof for the existence of god.

Scientifically, I assume, math or not, you can't prove something that cannot be disproved, so I'm not sure what the literature on uh... formulas that supposedly prove the existence of god looks like.

Mr.V is interested in these things, but maybe what you need is to find books that deal with the question directly! =)
I feel like I'm the only person who'd rather talk to Andreas about what his favourite beverage is than Philosophy and shit.

your not the only one, I bet anyone who is a fan would enjoy a good discussion about everyday shit with the guy...unless of course he was a prick, boy that would suck!
your not the only one, I bet anyone who is a fan would enjoy a good discussion about everyday shit with the guy...unless of course he was a prick, boy that would suck!

While I've always prefered much more deeper discussions with friends a little break from that is always nice. Some people forget that there's more to him then "MUSIC, PHILOSOPHY AND MATHS WHEEEE".

I'm just being bitter as always.:loco:
Well, MY point was that when Swedish girls come up to you and ask you about anything, you should have a conversation! I would have busted out my math skillzzz, but I can barely add and subtract, so I am unarmed in this battle of mathematical logic.



Can be cool to talk about viking history!
Are you historian?

I don't know much about vikings, other than they wore hats with horns and liked to plunder villages!

I'm a historian, but 20th century history. I write on uh diplomats and stuff. Cold War, like the old James Bond movies. And sometimes wars, but I'm not a military historian. I'm still working on my degree, so I guess I'm like an armchair historian, without the chair and no arms!
No, no... no numbers for me. I study people, ideas, ideology, and why people fight each other. =) Nothing mathematical about ignorance, although it would be interesting to quantify something like that. I mostly read correspondence, memoirs, records of meetings, etc. And lots and lot and lots of books. Hundreds. I'm currently surrounded by them, and typing this with a book on the British empire in front of me.

When I took my graduate school entrance exams, in fact, I did really poorly on basic math. The tests are by computer, and designed to ask you harder or easier questions as you get them right or wrong. At one point, I was asked something calculus-looking, and I scratched my head and eenie-meenie-miney-moed the answer. The next question was something algebra-looking. I did the same. I then got asked a simple square root question. I got that wrong too, and the one after was a simple addition / subtraction problem. The test ended after that; I think they probably would have checked to see if I could count to ten if I was given another problem.
Breaking news in the Fission camp
Fission has inked a deal with Aphotic Records. They are currently recording songs for the followup to Crater. The new record will hopefully be released before the end of -07. So all you Fission fans out there! We are Back!"

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