Folk Metal anyone?

I'm gonna go listen to Falkenbach now. I only own the Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty album though.
If you're in to Finntroll, go with Korpiklaani, Eluveitie, and Ásmegin for similar styles.

EDIT: Since older Borknagar was mentioned a few times, give Ulvhedin a try if you like that stuff.
BasilisK said:
If you're in to Finntroll, go with Korpiklaani, Eluveitie, and Ásmegin for similar styles.
Hmm, Korpiklaani never really grabbed me in the way Finntroll did. I guess I will give them another chance, perhaps they'll grow on me. Eluveitie are great but a little too In Flames/Dark Tranquility IMO (not that those bands aren't incredible). I shall look into Ásmegin :kickass:
son_of_northern_darkness said:
Hmm, Korpiklaani never really grabbed me in the way Finntroll did. I guess I will give them another chance, perhaps they'll grow on me. Eluveitie are great but a little too In Flames/Dark Tranquility IMO (not that those bands aren't incredible). I shall look into Ásmegin :kickass:

I just threw out Korpiklaani and Eluveitie since their styles seem more similar to Finntroll (the upbeat, frequently "happy" sounding stuff) than others. Ásmegin is a bit different/darker; a good black metal sound with more "traditional" instruments added, but I really enjoy em.
Finntroll's first and latest albums had very few happy tunes compared to the one that got them "mainstream". I prefer their first album but the fist song on Nattfödd is definately their best as of yet. Can't wait for the next release \m/
PanzerKunt said:
Finntroll's first and latest albums had very few happy tunes compared to the one that got them "mainstream". I prefer their first album but the fist song on Nattfödd is definately their best as of yet. Can't wait for the next release \m/

Same way here. The early stuff gets the most plays. The middle is a kind of a gray area, but Nattfödd showed some promise.
Well I wouldn't say middle, Visor Om Slutet is also between the two better releases but great in its own way. And there is the EP, that also rocks except I never like Trollhammaren for some reason. Basically all they did wrong was Jaktens Tid except Slaget Vid Blodselv/älv/whatever and Aldhissla.

Gotta love Aldhissla <3
finntroll and a couple others i can't think of without looking in my library, thanks to beer
challenge_everything said:
Orphaned Land are easily the best folk metal band IMO, followed by Agalloch.

Yes, but Orphaned Land is something more than folk metal. In the same category are Pentagram from Turkey (now Mezarkabul).
Does anyone mention Cruachan from Ireland?