Foreplay Thread

lizard said:
have you noticed how Osama just doesn't seem to be much of a priority anymore?? hmmmm...

It just doesn't matter anymore. The red states won. He got re-elected and so we choose to live in a Bush led America and make the most of it. Osama could be living in Long Island, and nobody would give a shit. Bush winning was more detrimental than Osama still at large.

I honestly don't give a fuck about Osama. He's just a figurehead that we use to point our fingers at. If he wants to do something, he will. And if he doesn't, there are 1000 other leaders of his ilk that will. It's a game of chess. People have to stop thinking that capturing Osama is the end of all terrorist activity. I bet there are some old people who really believe that.

On Bill Maher the other day, he had some old Republican on his panel who said things like "we haven't been attacked since 9/11 - that proves Bush was the right man for the job".

Old people really should be sent to death camps. We need to accelerate the rate of generation turnover.
Even Bill O'Reilly has no patience for Ann Coulter's relentless bullshit.

lizard said:
and THIS is the fucking speaker of the house?? Be afraid, very afraid.

"Guns have little or nothing to do with juvenile violence. The causes of youth violence are working parents who put their kids into daycare, the teaching of evolution in the schools, and working mothers who take birth control pills."

* Tom DeLay

There is NO WAY that's a real quote.

The whole evolution thing always reminds me of the old local rabbi taxi driver, insisting that dinosaur fossils were a mass heathen conspiracy. (This was in retaliation to me telling him I was going to the Natural History Museum of NY that weekend).
I don't doubt that quote is real, especially when two of the largest powers in the globe (Catholic Church and Dick Cheney's America) have a strict policy of ABSTINENCE, and both go on crusades about the EVILS of condom use, t'ain't surprising. Yes, because people are going to STOP HAVING SEX right? Probably right after they stop breathing.

Topeka Board o' Education is repeating the past.,7654441.story?coll=sns-ap-science-headlines
JayKeeley said:
There is NO WAY that's a real quote.
cited on conservative site ;
cited on liberal ; the Yale Herald, quoting from Time magazine: ; CNN: ; and blogger BartCop: .

And that's just the first page of google search results.

You guys have heard about the growing move among born again pharmacists to refuse to fill birth control or morning after pill prescriptions, right?
I understand and agree with alot of what you said Lizard, but as far as the Muslim or Islamic religion well ehhhh. That whole religion is based on hate and the teachings of a prohpet no one wanted to follow. Mohammed ( spelling ?) their prohpet was sent away by all other religions because he self proposed himself a prohpet and was considered a madman. Their teachings in their Koran are all about hate and death of anyone that isnt Islamic. I say to any religion that is open to the killing of the rest of the world should be disbanded or made to disband. Its basically like a cult of several million people. Their Koran has pages upon pages of stories of Mohammed killing , raping , stealing, sodomy, and polygomy( spelling?). Its in metaphors but can easily be deciphered and some is blatant. Is this the type of religion we want circulating its hate into the world? I wouldnt think so.
I heard about a case like that some time ago, something about his strict Catholic upbringing not allowing him to willingly partake in something so "evil." I wonder if that dude ever choked it?

I don't get it. I've ranted enough about the Catholic Church and I don't need to any longer. They give me the biggest WTF in the world though, much moreso than even Duhhhhhhbya and his cronies.
I understand and agree with alot of what you said Lizard, but as far as the Muslim or Islamic religion well ehhhh. That whole religion is based on hate and the teachings of a prohpet no one wanted to follow. Mohammed ( spelling ?) their prohpet was sent away by all other religions because he self proposed himself a prohpet and was considered a madman. Their teachings in their Koran I think it is are all about hate and death of anyone that isnt Islamic. I say to any religion that is open to the killing of the rest of the world should be disbanded or made to disband. Its basically like a cult of several million people.
You just described Christianity as well.
the Texas legislature just passed a bill which forbids same sex couples from being foster parents, cause, ya know, being raised by teh queer would be worse than the abusive parents they were taken from. The thing is, they also include a provision that if they even suspect you're not manly enough, your sex life can be INVESTIGATED...that's right...the Republicans, who abhor govt interference, allegedly, in all things, want to get involved in your personal love life.

Like the ass sex? Republicans say no.
Fellatio? NO!!!! oral sex is considered a form of sodomy.

The Daily Show picks it apart with the usual hilarious results:


looks like all that hand holding and kissy face was for naught:


Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has rejected a request from US President George W Bush to help limit soaring oil prices by increasing production. Instead, both sides urged energy markets to consider a Saudi plan, unveiled in February, to raise its oil output gradually, to 12.5 million barrels per day over the next few years and possibly up to 15 million if needed. A senior Saudi official said Riyadh believes global oil prices were too high but boosting the kingdom's output would not necessarily lead to lower US gas prices.

I understand and agree with alot of what you said Lizard, but as far as the Muslim or Islamic religion well ehhhh. That whole religion is based on hate and the teachings of a prohpet no one wanted to follow. Mohammed ( spelling ?) their prohpet was sent away by all other religions because he self proposed himself a prohpet and was considered a madman. Their teachings in their Koran are all about hate and death of anyone that isnt Islamic. I say to any religion that is open to the killing of the rest of the world should be disbanded or made to disband. Its basically like a cult of several million people. Their Koran has pages upon pages of stories of Mohammed killing , raping , stealing, sodomy, and polygomy( spelling?). Its in metaphors but can easily be deciphered and some is blatant. Is this the type of religion we want circulating its hate into the world? I wouldnt think so.


Who's feeding you this information by the way, because I doubt you came up with it yourself.
Well, I would defend the Bible, Torah, Quran etc if people are so quick to blame its preachings for the worlds problems.

My stance against religous preaching comes more from people MISINTERPRETING it than the fact that it simply exists. In theory, if everyone followed the peaceful preachings of their religion, the world would be a better place.

As for the Quran teaching killing etc, I mean puh-lease. Have we learned NOTHING since 9/11?
from (there's also a great article on the Right Wing's war moving from overturning Roe v. Wade, to the Pharmacies, in an effort to deny women birth control). You can get a free day pass to read the content. This particular issue doesn't really affect me personally because my wife got her tubes tied, and I don't cheat on her....but I think its hilarious how they think they can legislate morality.

The numbers Condi doesn't want you to see

As we noted earlier this month, this year's version of the State Department's annual report on "Patterns in Global Terrorism" won't include statistics on . . . . global terrorism.

Officials at Condoleezza Rice's State Department says it's just too complicated, that questions about the methodology in counting terrorist attacks make the statistics the report has always included before suddenly meaningless now. But Larry Johnson, the former CIA analyst and State Department terrorist expert who first broke the story with a post on Counterterrorism Blog, has said from the beginning that the real reason is that the statistics would show that the administration's war on terrorism isn't working.

It appears that he's right. As the Washington Post reports this morning, the statistics that would be in the report -- but aren't -- show that the number of serious international terrorist incidents more than tripled last year. Overall, the Post says, there were 655 "significant" attacks last year compared to about 175 the year before. In Iraq alone -- the place George W. Bush likes to call the "central front in the war on terror" -- the number of terrorist attacks shot up from 22 in 2003 to 198 in 2004.

Although the State Department says publicly that year-to-year comparisons can't be drawn, department aides who participated in private briefings for congressional aides Tuesday said the statistics revealed a "dramatic uptick" in terrorist attacks, the Post says.

One Republican aide who attended the meeting called the State Department's claim that the statistics weren't relevant to the "Patterns in Global Terrorism" report "absurd." Meanwhile, Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman called on Rice to release the data publicly. "The large increases in terrorist attacks reported in 2004 may undermine administration claims of success in the war on terror," Waxman wrote in a letter to Rice, "but political inconvenience has never been a legitimate basis for withholding facts from the American people."

-- Tim Grieve
JayKeeley said:

Who's feeding you this information by the way, because I doubt you came up with it yourself.

Some have argued that the Koran is irrelevant to understanding terrorism because terrorists tend to be inept interpreters of its texts. In other words, what difference does the correct interpretation of the Koran make if Islamic terrorism is being driven by heretical interpretations of the Koran like those of Ayman al Zwahiri or Osama bin Laden? They are not, after all, accredited Koranic scholars. But it makes all the difference. If the Zwahiris and bin Ladens are interpreting the Koran correctly—or even plausibly—then the Koran might very well be an important source of terrorism. That’s worth knowing by itself. If they are misinterpreting it, we need to ask why their misinterpretations have come to acquire whatever legitimacy and popularity they have. And if both things are true, then both conclusions apply in different ways.

This little excert was taken from a website called The Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Soceity. Basically what its saying is that some of these radicals may be interpreting the Koran to mean what I clearly stated above. I mean it is a possibility. If it is saying that do we really want that to be something people can read and take to mean WE ARE DOING GODS WORK and its okay to kill people. You can find this just about anywhere that there is a discussion at Islam. If these people ae so eaily swayed by text to kill for it based on there interpretations whats to say that it doesnt have negative influence and meanings.

Im not trying to start an arguement I was just simply stateing my feelings that a religion that can be used to make people believe in hate and death is not something that should exist. But if thats the case , its saying that the muslim religion can easily brainwash. The word Muslim means " one who submits" . There is alot of information out there andmany different interpretations but all of them come to the similar understanding that one must kill thy enemy and make the world Muslim. Its kinda similar to the thinking during the crusades accept both religions felt that way.
dude I can tell you listen to right wing radio, because you are parroting their phrases.:tickled:

"america can't be an empire or canada would be our 51st state."

you talk about putting criminals in jail; well hows about we start with that illegal procurer of drugs, Rush Windbag.

please tell me you don't listen to that junkie. the idea that CNN's Daryn Kagan is accepting his fetid man sauce makes me ill.
Haha no, I dont listen to him. Hahah i love that picture.Finally some porn. I changed my above post though because I was looking around for info. Anyway yeah I really dont pay much attention to religion or politics really. Im just kinda ehh and interject info when I feel like it. I believe in God and Jesus but not the bible really. I believe because man in itself is inheritently a failure then why should I believe a book that was written by men from the words of god. I mean I dont doubt there is truth in it but how much i wonder. I believe that gods greatest creation was also his biggest failure.